Yes, you’re very right.
It just feels so wrong talking about plastic straws, while we produce more plastic than ever. Everyone buys new phones, plastic clothes and a thousand other things all the time.
We need to get away from single use objects to a circular economy. We need to get away from consumerism and endless growth to a society that values life and a habitable planet.
Talking about bad straws forgets to mention the million other bad things we use and throw away.
Yes, straws are bad. Single use plastic is bad. Individual transport is bad. Fashion clothing is bad. Littering is bad. And and and…
If we continue to be stuck discussing plastic straws forever, our society won’t last much longer than paper straws.
Ah yeah, this guy. I had a great laugh during the pandemic, when he said, he would get the vaccine in public and later said it can’t be public, because for some reason it was really important to him to get that needle into his ass. Best was the doctor, who said something like ‘you must not inject anything in the central area of the buttocks!’.