If I was hard when wrestling I’d start questioning my sexuality
If I was hard when wrestling I’d start questioning my sexuality
It’s not the web it’s you dude. You’re not using the software the way it’s intended to be used. There is no reason at all to ever need 1000+ tabs open.
And fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go round.
Well you can’t know how somebody else feels. You can take your best guess. But there is no way to actually know, without asking them. Empaths think they know how somebody feels and to them it’s a fact that this person must feel that way, In actuality they could be completely way off because what they are doing is imagining how the other person feels based on how they would feel in the same situation, which might not be true of the other person. So even though they have empathy, they are not an empath, such things can’t exist without the ability to mind read, and there’s no proof that anybody can do that.
I think the point of this is you can’t know how they feel, only assume. Empaths assume and then trust their assumption so much they believe it to be fact.
Would the fact he was disrespectful to the court (falling to sleep, badmouthing people on social media), shows no remorse (still claiming to be innocent despite overwhelming evidence against and a unanimous jury) and the fact there’re 34 charges against him (all unanimously guilty) not factor heavily into his sentencing. Also the reasoning behind what he did, to trick his way into the highest political position in America.
Does this include mobile games and especially gamefied gambling like candy crush etc because that I can believe.
Dave the diver is currently on sale on steam. Is it worth picking up?
I didn’t play the first one. Though I started playing this last night on game pass knowing nothing about it.
It’s intense, beautiful, intriguing and I’m looking forward to playing more.
The game itself is more of a story that you sometimes sword fight in. Exceptionally linear, which to me is a refreshing change from the abundance of open world titles available at the moment. The story is interesting, though I’m starting to think I should play through the first one first, there is a recap at the beginning so I feel I’m up to speed on what’s happened. The combat is fun, and very cinematic, it feels like every interaction has been coded separately.
Overall it’s a solid 8/10 if you are a fan of narrative story games it’s worth a look, though as mentioned I’d be tempted to start at the beginning, there isn’t much hand holding through the features which I imagine is explained more in the first game.
If you stop going to twitter to see the content, the creators would be forced to move. How important can the content be?
You don’t need Facebook to use WhatsApp.
I think you live in a fantasy world fella. Also server monitoring isn’t done by Google, it’s don’t by another 3rd party company.
I never once said my response is shut the fuck up. Stop putting words in my mouth. My response was, wow that’s terrible I wonder what caused that, is it religion, politics should we be fighting that instead. The facts were it’s only a very low percentage of men lower than 1% That every day battles are won in the fight against equality That we’ve had women in power in my country and all over the world That the majority of women I know do not fear men That things are moving in the right direction (albeit slowly)
Honestly you are coming across very aggressively, very toxic and seem unwilling to listen to any of the facts. so I’m going to end my part in this discussion, you can live in your fantasy world where change isn’t happening. In my world we’ve had women running the country multiple times. They appear and excel in every career, and it’s very easy to see things are happening, I’ll admit slower than I’d like, but they definitely are. Just the other day women won the right to go topless on beaches in Belgium, another win in the fight against sexism. I feel you’re just a stubborn argumentative person, so any mention of facts or any calls to reality fall on deaf ears.
I never once tried to silence you, I’m actually enjoying our discussion very much and think it’s a very important one to have. All I’m trying to say is you’re not alone in what you are fighting for and there are many many men on your side statistics back this up. But when you pick the bear you are actively working against the men trying to help. By not acknowledging the majority of men are on your side you are causing division, you are making things worse for yourself by not accepting we are trying to change things for the better for everyone.
Basically telling you to touch grass and stop contributing to the fire that’s taking women’s rights away by blaming the issue on the wrong thing. You are teaching young women they should be afraid of men, when statistics and reality say the opposite is true and we should be all working together for a common goal.
You are trying to silence me though, telling me I can only sit down and listen to obvious sexism. When what people should do when they experience sexism is speaking up and speak loud.
There are 3.8 billion men on the planet. A tiny % of them (less than 1%) want to harm women. Miniscule in fact, the vast majority want women to have all the rights they have, me included. You don’t know what the average woman wants any more than I do. I know loads of women none of them afraid of men, some are even married to men. They don’t go about their days in fear you are just telling me they are and I should accept that because that’s how you feel, because you feel it doesn’t make it true. I also know loads of men and none of them have any hatred towards women they are in fact allies. Yes historically men have had more power and it is still very much the case, we need to work together to change this, denying that change hasn’t or isn’t happening is fear mongering when in fact everyday battles are won in the fight for women’s rights. Statistically and logically you are wrong, so the only thing you have is emotions, that’s why I am telling you that you are attacking with emotions.
You can’t even acknowledge that I’m on your side, this is the right discussion to be having, you just need to aim your hatred at the right people. The politicians that want to take away rights, the religious fanatics who quote bible verses like women shouldn’t speak unless spoken to, the toxic masculinity that makes fathers teach their sons the wrong life lessons. We need to work together not blame men for something that the majority of men want to fix as much as you do.
Fine don’t blame the things responsible…this isn’t an argument I can win when you’re attacking with emotion and ignoring anything factual. Men aren’t working against women, the vast majority want the same thing. You are misinformed, because you’re basing your evidence solely on emotion and teaching people they should hate men, rather than work together to fix the issues which time and time again I have explained isn’t men, but systems put in place by things like religion and poor education. You’re making enemies where there are allies because you will not listen to reason. But you go on hating and blaming men, see if it solves your issues or if you actually only aid in retaliation and lose more rights.
The discussion is the right one, but we all need to start blaming the right people. Toxic masculinity, religion and poor education. Dividing people like this isn’t the way forward.
Shhhs as true as this is, the joke doesn’t work when people start throwing facts about!