I support any and all EU laws against Xitter out of spite, they could be making Elon Musk square dance for every piece of misinformation for all I care.
I support any and all EU laws against Xitter out of spite, they could be making Elon Musk square dance for every piece of misinformation for all I care.
Just like Werner Herzog
Leave it in the ground!
Do they want a piece? Well, they can go fuck themselves because neither they nor their bestie Russia will get any.
Ah yes, the classic Microsoft “what you really want is hidden behind a checkbox, otherwise you’ll get shit”.
I once turned that feature on thinking it was an actual backup (copies of my files in the cloud), I remember how angry I was when I found out it wasn’t a backup after all and just removed your files from your computer and only made them accessible online.
I don’t know if it “matters”, and I’m not a prescriptivist who wants to tell others how to talk, but it’s interesting.
To be pedantic that’s not grammar but orthography (which in English is even weirder). English is just a mutant amalgamation of Germanic, Romance and Celtic languages and man, it shows.
But have you cleaned your bedroom or did you only clean it?
If he only said “I cleaned my shoes”, they could be dirty again. Now you know the difference between present perfect and simple past. English grammar, it’s weird (but every language’s is, to be fair).
I dunno, there’s dead Roman bones in it.
He maybe should’ve known that it wouldn’t work, but does he ‘deserve’ to be in a mental hospital? Absolutely not.
How is this relevant? Does this affect the massive ecological problem there? Are you implying that the displacement of the 500k inhabitants is justified because of this? If not, why did you bring it up? Seems cynical and unproductive to me.
That would make more sense than whatever this is.
Ah, danke. Der Unterschied ist dann, dass Normale Zahlen unendliche und alle Zahlenfolgen beinhaltende Nachkommastellen haben, und Irrationale nur unendlich und nicht alle Zahlenfolgen enthaltend sind?
Mein Gedanke war, ob nicht auch sqrt(2) eine Normale Zahl wäre, davon ausgehend, dass Pi eine ist (laut Wikipedia muss das aber auch nicht sein). Ist eine Normale Zahl dann quasi nach Affen-Schreibmaschinen-Prinzip vergleichbar mit einer komplett zufälligen unendlichen Zahlenfolge? Wäre da nicht auch möglich, dass sie nie alle Zahlenfolgen enthält, egal wie lang? Mir erschließt sich nicht, was die Voraussetzung der Generation einer Normalen Zahl ist.
(Wer war da für die Benennung zuständig, das finde ich gar nicht normal…)
Gilt das nicht für alle irrationalen Zahlen?
God’s punishment.
Watch out, the 61 year old chess grandmaster is going to commit terrorism.
I think it’s called that because it will make your environment a swamp.