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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • This isn’t open source (but free if I recall correctly- I think I have a paid version but I installed it years ago): Recurlog will absolutely fit the bill for medications or other recurring tasks that repeat based on last-done date or due date (with or without automatic rollover = will reschedule for next day if one is missed).

    You can set reminders at a specific time, and easily log directly from the reminder notification. You can log multiple times each day if you like, and add notes to the logged entry.

    You can either set a “simple” recurring task without extra data, or optionally add data fields for text, numbers, Yes/No buttons or a time duration.

    Manual backup to file. Unfortunately no encryption or visualizations.

    I use it to log medications, reminders for physical exercises, cutting the dog’s nails, when the dog is due to come in heat and how long it lasted, monthly hair dye and products and results etc.

    I know it’s old (last updated in 2018), but it’s phenomenal. I’ve been thinking of making a similar app with more features as a hobby project, but I also have a 10 mo baby so 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Yes, agreed, some of it is probably just bluster to seem like they’re doing something.

    However, even if we agree that more police resources are necessary, I don’t know how we should get more of competent, educated police in the short term unless we involve military (who do have some education at least). The last thing I want is for us to rapidly employ new “police” (ordningsvakter) with only weeks or a few months of training - that’s how we get additional problems with US-style police violence on top of the gang violence problems…

  • I agree that the current government is implementing exactly 0 long-term strategies to help deal with the root cause of the problems, like strengthening and financing social services and welfare, healthcare and mental healthcare, schools and social programs, decriminalizing some drugs etc, to curb influx of underage criminals into the gangs and remove some of the economical incentives. The opposition is coming out with good suggestion after good suggestion, and the right-wing (by Swedish standards) government has basically just slashed welfare across the board in practice. They are going for only the hard-on-crime approach, which as far as I know has no real scientific proof of long-term efficacy unless paired with social/community interventions.

    However, I think many swedes agree that the police need more resources - particularly people watching possible targets of future bombings and just more eyes on the gangs. We have one of the lowest number of police per capita in Europe, slightly higher than the rest of the Nordic countries tbf, but with much bigger problems with organized crime and violence.

    I’m also horrified at this general societal development, but I can see the merit of involving some of the military in more eyes-on-the-ground kinds of operations for a few years until we have more of a grip on the gang situation. I prefer that to visitation zones, harsher punishments and more generalized surveillance of non-suspects being allowed.

    But maybe I’m just naïve to the implications.

  • As someone else already said, don’t overthink the language choice aspect in general. If you learn almost any imperative language with C-like syntax (Go, JS/TS, C#, Java etc), picking up another one in the same “family” to a usable degree will be a very minor hiccup done within a very short time (hours). Sure, there are quirks and special syntax and different collections of built-in features for each one, but as a developer you will likely switch between several anyway and need to look up syntax from time to time - you know that something can be done, but the details how are a bit fuzzy.

    For instance, I code mostly in C# and JS/TS, but we have legacy applications written in VB.NET so I often google VB syntax for things that I know how to write in C#. I also occasionally code in C, have dabbled in Fortran, Python and PHP and I’m sure I’m forgetting one or two. SQL and LINQ syntax too of course. What you learn on your developer journey is that something can be done, but remembering the specific implementation in a specific language might be a job better suited for your search engine. That said, of course it’s good to start with one language that you know pretty well, but it seems like you’re already there with Python.

    The real challenge is learning the methodology of building applications, philosophy of OOP, patterns and program/application architecture and frameworks. Language choice is very much secondary to those areas of expertise imo.

    Personally though, I am partial to JS/TS as I’ve used those the longest, they are extremely versatile and frontend development is my favorite area.

  • I’m honestly not necessarily a BEM fan as class names become literally huge if you don’t rely a bit on nested elements (targeting nested classes is not very BEMmy - but SASS makes it so convenient). But haven’t found a naming convention or “framework” that does the job better. BEM also doesn’t address how you should organize the style library for maintainability. I just use my own simplified structure based on ITCSS now.

    I just wish that someone could make a methodology or an architecture of building style libraries that felt obvious and was more plug-and-play, I hate that I feel like have to revisit the style library organization and naming convention for each new project to reevaluate if it makes sense for the scope of the project.

    Then again, I work as a fullstack dev in a small team of more backend-focused fullstack devs, so I don’t do frontend as often as I’d like and don’t really have anyone to discuss these issues with.

  • If I understand correctly (and I’m not 100% sure I do), localhost in a Docker container lives in it’s own little network which is not the host’s network.

    The container is its own localhost, which has its own ports (which is why you have to map an internal localhost port to a host PC localhost port for every container you wish to access). This means that Prowlarr in your case, has no idea what localhost:4666 should be since in Prowlarr’s localhost universe there exists nothing on that port. To access what the host knows of ports (instead of the container), you have to write the host’s address from inside the Prowlarr container.

    I hope that wasn’t impossible to follow 😅

    Now that I think about it (haven’t tried myself though) you could possibly add the mapping of port 4666:4666 to the Prowlarr Docker compose setup and then use localhost:4666 to access qBittorrent from inside Prowlarr.

  • I don’t remember exactly, but it used to be that you could only stream to mobile devices if you had Plex Pass (I mean, you could just use the mobile browser instead but that is ofc less convenient). Another perk with Plex Pass is that you can download content from the server to watch offline on your device, for example if you’re going traveling. Skipping intros I think is also a premium feature. Possibly the built-in subtitle downloader is also a Pass/premium feature.

    But otherwise I don’t think it’s necessary. Try it out, all the basic features are available in the free version and spinning it up is super easy. If you decide you like it you can just purchase a lifetime Plex Pass.

  • What are you on about, we were asked to have face masks on public transport, in grocery stores, in hospitals etc. Lots of selfish people refused to have the decency to protect others from themselves, but still.

    We had worse outcomes compared to Norway, Finland, Denmark. Not necessarily due to the inability of people like you to wear masks, but nothing to brag about.

    As a swede: your opinion is in the minority, and it’s embarrassing that you have to invoke some sort of “Swedish superiority” mentality. Please stop importing the very worst ideas from the US.

  • It’s not my proposed idea, it’s an actual, contemporary Swedish law which has existed since 1948. What is up for debate is how that law is to be interpreted in this instance, what constitutes “creed” (in, perhaps, a better translation of the original Swedish instead of “religious belief”), and what constitutes a “message” and whether burning a Quran is valid criticism of Islam or if doing it at that time and place is a hate crime targeting Muslims. It hasn’t been tried in the Swedish supreme court whether Quran burning in certain contexts like the recent events is illegal under that law or not.

    Technically, sure, you could argue that everything can be a religious belief/creed and any belief is covered under that law. But that is not how the law is interpreted and used in practice. I would consider that a strawman argument then, because it intentionally misrepresents the spirit of that law.

  • Someone new got approved to burn another one outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm, that’s why there’s a new reaction.

    Tbh I personally don’t think it should be allowed to actively provoke and incite hatred against an ethnic group. Sweden already has a law specifically against this (incitement against ethnic group), which lists religious belief as a group covered by the law. However, there has only been one case that went to the courts trying specifically a Quran burning, and the context was a bit different so it was dismissed. The Quran burning previous to the one in the article has been reported to the police, and imo it should go to trial so we can test the limits of the incitement law. That Quran was burned directly as a statement outside a mosque, during Eid, which is a context that could be illegal under that law.

    To clarify, people should be able to burn whatever books and symbols they want and express whatever vile or justified opinions they have under freedom of speech in Sweden- but not in every context and forum everywhere, as direct provocation and incitement. This is actually the majority opinion of Swedes (source in Swedish).

    But we’ll see what happens. I discussed this with a lawyer I know, who agreed that it should be prosecuted and go to trial so we can see how it fares in court.

  • I’ll admit I got annoyed that OP seemed to almost deliberately misunderstand or discount other perspectives or answers. It makes their pretty open question seem disingenuous. I assume people ask questions because they’re interested in other people’s perspectives on a topic, rather than just wanting to hear that they are right?

    Possibly OP just failed to communicate why they feel as they feel with regards to the relative value of welfare systems, taxes, and salary (they clarified somewhat later in another thread), but it’s frustrating to see other people’s well thought-out answers being discounted or strawmanned without actually being refuted. That rings my troll warning bell, or imo is a sign of someone who can only see the world through one particular lens.

  • No problem. My impression (based on an extremely small sample size though) is that there are some trade-offs to working for American companies in Europe, like your American managers not understanding that there are strong labor laws here giving you the right to take cohesive vacation, sick leave and parental leave. Work hours (meetings booked in the late PM for us) and 24/7 availability expected and degraded work-life balance. Essentially that some of the American work culture bleeds over across the pond.

    That probably varies a lot from company to company, manager to manager and job description as well though.

    The US companies do seem reward talent and performance (or the appearance of talent and performance) with great pay. On the flip side they will also drop you in the blink of an eye of you have a period with mental or physical health problems, or aren’t getting good KPI metrics for a while due to circumstances outside of your control (poor management, bad KPIs, being inbetween projects etc).

    I guess what I’m getting at is that American jobs are more “big risk, big reward” (but they will discard you the moment you aren’t as useful) and European companies don’t really work like that.

    But I do personally agree with you in general, that European companies both can afford and morally should pay better. However, I feel that that conversation is a different one than the European-American work culture and pay divide.