Where is the “burnt out on corporate BS and not sure if I even like coding anymore, I just want to retire and sell shit on Etsy, too bad everything costs money” phase
Where is the “burnt out on corporate BS and not sure if I even like coding anymore, I just want to retire and sell shit on Etsy, too bad everything costs money” phase
// Hack the mainframe to skim pennies from ongoing transactions
async function addMoneyToMyBankAccount(dollarAmount: number): Promise<"success">
Alright let’s go
places in oven
“Honey what’s that awful smell?”
“Who knows. Probably the neighbor’s leaf blower”
Five minutes go by
“It smells like cancer”
“Maybe they are sealcoating their driveway, I don’t know, stop asking me”
Twenty five minutes later
Opens oven
Retching, coughing “Sweet baby Jesus, what the FUCK is that?! Melted plastic? On my new casserole dish?!”
“Open a goddamn window”
“Open all the fucking windows”
“Mommy why is the house stinky”
“Charlie go play outside”
“But Daddy–”
from outside “Daddy it smells out here too, the neighbors are doing something black to their driveway”
No miming, no eye signals, one. Word.
Oh interesting, we always allow miming in Round 2. It’s a good way to “prime” your teammates for Round 3…but I could see why that’d be undesirable
Even the individual days go by so fast though
E3 2004! The HYPEST
We met Reggie, who’s about kicking ass and taking names.
And the DS is revealed…and it COMES OUT THAT YEAR?! Whaaaaaa
I was so hyped. I started saving my pennies right away.
The multiplayer experience was unbelievable. No cables, no square box thing to play more than 2 players. And you didn’t even need multiple copies of the game! Just all play Mario Kart!
The thumb strap was a neat idea, but not the easiest in practice. Though I did find it great for aiming in the Metroid FPS game, much better than the stylus.
And OF COURSE it was backwards compatible!
Loved it. Beautiful machine. I still have 2 DS Lites that work.
Am I the only one who loves the Switch? That the joycons come off and even have their own shoulder buttons is so cool. You can just set it on a table and play some multiplayer Mario Kart, heck yes. And they snap into the ring fit circle thingie! Neat! And the Pro controller is great all around.
Shout out to the DS Lite. Loved that thing. Gotta have the thumb strap to play that Metroid multiplayer FPS.
Worst: TI-84. How the hell they still charging over $100 for this thing, when it has less processing power than a Palm Pilot? Seriously the CPU is from 1976. Yeah Bubble Bobble and Block Dude are great, but the Zelda port runs awful.
We already moved the fingerprint scanner from the back of the phone to the front of the phone, and our focus groups say it would be SO COOL if the scanner was even farther forward!! So on our next model, to unlock your phone, simply punch yourself in the face
It’s also worth pointing out that this was sued in a copyright lawsuit some time ago. The wikipedia article mentions it, but here’s the slashdot discussion if you want to feel like stepping into a time machine: https://m.slashdot.org/story/158778
It caused a momentary panic when everyone realized that this thing runs the system clocks for everything everywhere, and if it got taken down by a copyright suit it would be disastrous for, well, everybody.
This is accurate lol
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Shhh if we tell them it hurts GDP, billionaires might start actually paying attention
What company? Sounds like dog shit, name em and shame em
Science: Blue
Math: Red
English: Black
History: Yellow
Spanish: Green
100% agree. Genshin is grindy AF
Most car accidents happen within a mile from home
…because that’s where you’re driving most often