mine has always done exactly what i want it to do. stay off.
mine has always done exactly what i want it to do. stay off.
I’ve wondered quite a bit about my dark meat vs light meat. I’ve also wondered how well marbled I am. I think I’d be delicious.
Ive been looking at Bazzite, but Ive tried to make the jump to linux for a while but always run into dumb issues and go back to windows.
Is it ‘it just works’ or is it actually dad gamer easy?
There are several types of fire hydrants, two of which are called wet barrel and dry barrel. Dry barrel hydrants have a shut off valve at the interface between the hydrant and the supply piping, with drains at the base that allows the hydrant to drain water in the surrounding ground. Wet barrel hydrants will stay filled with water at all times and will have shut off valves at each individual hose connection.
Wet barrel hydrants are ‘faster’ since you don’t have to wait for the hydrant to fill and are easier to maintain, but are prone to being damaged in areas where the temperatures drop below freezing. Dry barrel hydrants are used in areas where the temperatures can drop below freezing because they’re not filled with water at all times.
Wet barrel hydrants, however, don’t store water anymore that the underground piping does. They may have 10s of gallons of water in them, but that’s a drop in the bucket compared to what’s typically needed for fire fighting purposes.
My sister in law has a case of these, just chilling in the garage. Never to be eaten.
That’s Oklahoma and everyone in Texas hates it. Anyone who says otherwise is an escaped Oklahoman and the authorities need to be alerted so they can be returned to their isolation
I understand where you’re coming from, and not to sound like a shill, but GGG has made their mtx about as non-onerous as possible. Stash tabs are the closest it gets to p2w, and you get plenty for free, with plenty of free QOL features.
Also, the ratios of real money to the premium currency are more than fair without any of the ‘oh no, you’re a buck short, better spend $25 to get this thing. And now you have almost enough to buy this other thing, better spend another $25us!’
Something I’ve learned in life is that should be and is are not the same thing. You’re right, that he should be okay, but the cops are going to want to stick this to someone. It’s way too high profile for them to let it go. If happy dude isn’t their guy and walks in the front door, the cops would make him their guy.
I’d do two bags in two separate locations with different changes of clothes in each. whichever bag I went would depend on what the circumstances afterwards were.
If happy dude isn’t the CEO clean up guy, walking into a police station would be the best to way to ensure he gets the CEOs death pinned on him or worse. Happy dude would be best hiring a lawyer and following their advice.
No, there’s a desire to depose quite a few world leaders including billionaires
de·pose /dəˈpōz/ verb verb: depose; 3rd person present: deposes; past tense: deposed; past participle: deposed; gerund or present participle: deposing
remove from office suddenly and forcefully.
"he had been deposed by a military coup"
Holy shit! Somebody wrote a song about me!
My hearing is pretty severely damaged in my left ear, and for several months I thought everything was to my right. but my ability to locate sounds has come back. My hearings not any better, my brain just figured out that my left ears fucked and compensated.
If i paid money to every the patreon of every content creator that I want to support, it’d be a lot more money than youtube premium. Better believe ill be cancelling premium the very first ad I see though.
It got WORSE! Sweet!
This is the most terrifying image I’ve seen in a while. Thanks.
Some of us Americans are fat enough to qualify as two people. The math works out.
That depends, is this knife a baby?
No thanks
That sounds more like a sexy time activity than a parasite cleansing activity