So what? It’s not like their bank accounts got affected. Their shares are valued less which means they did not loose money but the lost money they could have had.
So what? It’s not like their bank accounts got affected. Their shares are valued less which means they did not loose money but the lost money they could have had.
Taking one for the team. Much appreciated ! If it had those powers you’d receive much help & support. Hell, I even think people will fight you for it!
And suddenly the last two months make (some) sense
okay, if it’s worth trolling we must be on to something good…
Nice ! Have you invited Nicole ??
What’s keeping you ? (before you return the question, I can’t I’m still left-out)
It’s not mandatory (but it’s allowed)
“-F Trump” or “-F Musk”
Bro! This isn’t reddit! Here you can keep things readable so we don’t have to de-asterisk/guess Therefore “Fuck Trump & Fuck Musk” will just do quite well
I’m closing in on 60 and still consider 22.00 the best time to go to bed
it’s not about the water, it’s about OBEYING them. If Trump, his oligarchs or their puppets tell you to jump you jump or ask ‘how high’ but don’t question them and surely don’t disobey them
Good idea! Trump is all in for isolation, and given the track record of the last 6+ weeks … so please do ban transatlantic travel for the USA. As off today is just fine.
Genesis - The longs
The saddest thing is that I’m not even surprised anymore.
Assuming the troops are willing to return. “Welcome back, you’re fired!”
I just use my web browser (librewolf)
well, not for all of you, but there are a couple of loony’s out there (if you need proof of that: i’m here)
Never started buying from amazon. The stories on Reddit where enough to turn way. I admit having searched the site now and then, but you get the same prices elsewhere, Especially in Europe there is no need for them.
I’m sorry for the Caribbean, but if I’m totally honest, the news made me smile.
My suggestion, try variouse live distro’s from an USB. Alternatively install debian from it’s ISO and select ALL desktop environments. Then on login you can select which on to use for the current session. Once you made your choice you can do use tasksel to remove the others (although I’d do a re-install with just the one I want)