Question is who is just throwing $2 at comments? Should users just cut out the middleman and post their Venmo/Patreon handles or something?
If the app stores take a 30% cut then they are making 60cents off the $2 and Reddit takes in 40¢ while the user gets $1.
Just pay me the dollar directly, be sure to upvote, comment below and subscribe for more comments like this.
*Can’t afford to buy a $48K car
There are still sedans out there that can be gotten for a lot less, people have really been over spending on these large SUVs to make the average price $48K. Get a ~$30K sedan instead, you can get a Honda Civic for under $30K or a number of other cars.
Now obviously that’s still out of reach for a ton of people, but it just seems weird to say “can’t afford a new car” and then picking something for $48K.