Don’t forget apple
Don’t forget apple
I have been an apple fanboy since 1979. Their recent moves to appease the current administration have taken away all of my enthusiasm. I had already un-googled and un-reddited my life, I have been seriously thinking about un-appleing as well. Gulf of fucking America. Go fuck yourself Apple.
But the Cybertruck was a ridiculous vehicle even before it was available.
They are bad consumers and should feel bad about it. All for it.
Still better looking than a Cybertruck
The press is scared shitless at this point
This might actually become the year of Linux on the desktop for me.
What a fucking coward. Say what you will about Steve Jobs, but he would likely never had done this. So much for think different.
Lost all respect for Tim.
What the fucking, fuck.
Hands down: Mova globe.
I know how it works, but it still feels like magic. If I had to reduce my pleasure possessions to one item, that would be it.
I am using it with MacOS. I actually don’t use the drive system. I just use it to backup data because Apple’s iCloud Drive serves all my needs.
I can say that the few times I have had to restore data it was fast and reliable
iDrive is working out well for me.
Not really. The system will instead keep finding ways to get people to rent at higher prices or take out low down payment loans with ever larger monthly payments taking a lot more of take home salaries and making it harder than ever to save and invest.
Private equity is already gobbling up the houses. Boomers are cashing in to finance extravagant retirement. Those who are not, are leaving it to their children who will then sell to private equity groups.
It would be funny if they discovered oil underneath.
It used to be great.
Not this hispanic