Left banana is 1.4 standard bananas, right banana is 0.7 standard bananas.
Left banana is 1.4 standard bananas, right banana is 0.7 standard bananas.
Briefly joined Discuit during the Reddit API ruckus but I was already on Lemmy so I never stuck with it. It’s been open sourced and the people seemed mostly pleasant so it seemed like it was on a reasonable path towards creating a good space.
A shit brickhouse is the opposite term where I’m from.
Pretty sure this is from the esolang bussin
Nah no problem with it being about Vegan nuggets or anything, but that faux surprise/O-face trend was pretty played out although it did birth good memes.
Ah IDK not actually angry that was hyperbole. It’s just the silly expressions they’re pulling.
Top tier use of that meme. That original photo of those two guys pointing at the vegan nuggets or whatever it was makes me irrationally angry: sometimes I look at it just to wind myself up.
Something similar is suggested to a lesser extent about psychedelic mushrooms by Melvin Sheldrake in Entangled Life. No where near the same scale as wheat, of course.
Welcome home.
A Goodboy Education for Dogs.
Yeah apologies, that’s a good point - thanks for adding more context!
Yeah it says in the link it’s a rough draft of the cartoon that got rejected which is probably why it looks a bit shopped.
IDK why people say they have better privacy: They just settled a lawsuit over evesdroping using Siri. I think they probably have less interest than Google in selling data for advertising, mostly likely using it internally for their ecosystem so they probably come across more privacy focused but I assume they snoop just as much as any other big tech company.
This one has always been a goosebumps track for me.
Yeah it looks like it could be Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage mixed together.
The birth of the internet and the birth of the world wide web are two differnet things though: The world wide web started in 1989.
Fully agree. I did 1 month paternity from the birth and will take another month some time later in the year. 100% worth taking the time off to bond with the baby and to be as supportive as possible by doing all the things around the house your partner who is breastfeeding doesnt have the time or energy to do. It’s a once per child experience that they’re this young and will develop fast so I’m happy that I could soak it up in full and be there for it to happen.
If I had the opportunity to go back and do it differently, I wouldn’t.