I kinda wish we still had to wear masks
I kinda wish we still had to wear masks
Imagine trying to troll people on this topic😐 bruh
Right. Like even in the shittiest scenario that’s not a major difference. There’s stuff like interference and the speeds are lower, sure, but 1 gigabit is plenty for non enterprise situations
AND PEOPLE ARE EATING IT UP😭 I simply do not want to live in a world like this
“WELL WHAT ABOUT” shut up, oh shut up. Ban drug = force people to do unsafe things to get an unsafe version of the drug. It’s simple. That’s how it worked, that’s how it works RIGHT NOW, and that’s how it will continue to work unless something fundamental changes in the society. Exposure won’t be reduced. Kids get tobacco illegally anyways. Nothing is changing for them. Next step after that is underground production of tobacco products which means PEOPLE WILL DIE
You left out the part where kids get tobacco anyways and this will just make it unsafe for them and that WILL cost their lives. It WILL kill someone’s child.
Btw war on tobacco is war on drugs. Tobacco is a drug. Making it irrelevant in people’s minds is the way, not formally banning it
Well maybe think a bit better idk? Maybe learn to read too? Cuz I literally pointed out objective (emphasis on this word) reasons why that’s a bad idea
People saying that’s a good decision are simply unqualified to talk about it, they’re completely clueless and willingly ignorant, just like sunak and his fking delusional confidence. How is it not obvious that people will refer to black market tobacco? Has history AND WHATS HAPPENING LIKE RIGHT NOW IN GOD DAMN REAL TIME not fking taught you all what banning drugs does? Because of people like you other people will die. That’s also YOUR responsibility, not just theirs. It’s YOU who affect their decision. And it’s not just the fact that it’s black market and people will just die, it’s also the fact that underground, potentially mafia-like organisations will have MORE POWER. You all LEGIT make me believe in totalitarian governments. I simply can not handle the confident ignorance.
Like imagine a society where 1/4 of the population is forced to quit cold turkey. Y’all are fking insane
YES WASTE MORE MONEH ON WAR ON DRUGS!!! It’s not like it’s completely ineffective and is literally killing people🥰😜
The wifi latency on generic 5ghz routers is like 5ms if not less
Idk but the title sounds like it without generate a bunch of clicks🥰
Sounds like a pr campaign
It was deleted because of subjective feelings of a mod and it doesn’t matter if you support it or not. I have already pointed out the reasons why that’s not ok. Bye.
I don’t know what it is but here it feels like it’s worse than anywhere else, including politics talk on twitter
This isn’t a forum like those that you’re used to though, and “the mod didn’t like it” is not a valid reason for deleting someone’s reply and it doesn’t contribute to civilized discussion and it isn’t a civilized thing to do in the first place for someone in position of power. Maybe it’s ok if you’re a mod in your small group chat, for example, it’s your room, your safe space, but it isn’t ok in a place designed for everyone
You will tell people facts and you will get down voted because someone thought it’s your opinion
I mean I do when I can? I look pretty in a mask