I think the insurance company part was invented by this comic but I didn’t know a ton about Batman. I did see online that Wayne Medical is a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises and operates many of the hospitals in Gotham.
I think the insurance company part was invented by this comic but I didn’t know a ton about Batman. I did see online that Wayne Medical is a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises and operates many of the hospitals in Gotham.
True, the hospital could be doing the bare minimum to keep him alive. But I get what the person you’re relying to is saying. Surely if you’re a capitalist ghoul who runs both a health insurance company and a hospital, you would want as little overlap between customers as possible in order to maximize profits, right? The people paying you insurance premiums would ideally never get sick and require the insurance to pay out, and the hospital would ideally be full of people with other insurance plans.
And yet my friend, you bow to no one.
Some people say about Trump, “I like him because he’s brave enough to say what we’re all thinking”. I say that about this translator.
Oh man, I gotta go listen to some Vulfpeck.
I think whether I was a fruit or not, I wouldn’t want to operate with the assumption that I’m going to be eaten, so scientific categories all the way. As a human, I like to think of myself as a mammal/ape/homo sapien/whatever instead of wondering which parts of me are white meat vs dark meat.
Granted, you’d have to find some way to harness together quite a few boobies in order for them to be able to pull anything much, since they’re not huge birds. But if you get enough of them, maybe you could fly.
Whenever I want to say something is cool, I have to complete the whole phase of “cool, alright. C-c-cool, alright, kick it.” But if I’m being sarcastic about the thing being cool, I will say the first part but then continue on to say “ki-ki-kicks my mom”.
I personally really enjoy how David and the skeletons either can’t out won’t elaborate on the parts of their whole thing that the people are confused about. There’s just something funny to me about how it doesn’t seem like they’re intentionally being obtuse. They’ll gladly answer the vague question of “and the skeletons are…?” with the equally vague “part of it!” with a big smile, as though it was a perfectly fine and helpful answer.
All the Simpsons fans out there know how great Zinc is.
I just spotted my first in person yesterday and I agree completely. My kid said “It’s shiny” and I said “Yeah, because the alternative to that is to be covered in rust”.
Not OP, but from what I’ve read, overall length is more important than complexity (special characters and stuff) when it comes to someone trying to crack it. So this one isn’t too bad in that regard. But being able to remember a password is also important unless you’re always going to be able to use a password manager to enter it for you. So in that respect it’s not great.
Is there a pattern to where the gaps are happening? Like are they always where the beginning of a layer starts printing or are they interspersed throughout layers? I recently had a similar problem with my K1 and some random filaments that were a few years old where the start/end points of my layers had holes, almost like the start of the extrusion was lagging behind the movement or the stopping of the extrusion was happening prematurely. I never really figured out the core problem because I just switched to vase mode because it worked nicely for the model I was printing. But I thought about playing with my retraction settings in case I was retracting too much or adjusting my nozzle temp in case these rolls just weren’t flowing when melted like they used to (but it sounds like you’ve tried that already). And I know it’s a bit cliche at this point but you might want to try drying your filament especially if you’re hearing pops from the nozzle when it’s printing.
I’m not really a Dark Souls guy, so at first I thought this was about Hayao Miyazaki, cuz he likes big ladies too.