(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(FYI I didn’t make this and I believe it’s fake but honestly it’s hard to tell)
The goal of 3rd party apps is to do what’s best for the user so they continue to use their app
The goal of Reddit’s official app is to do what’s best for Reddit
It’s possible to expand on the functionality but that’s the fundamental misalignment on priorities regarding users
In Canada, you legally pick up to 2 of your parents’ last names for your last name
Well, organometallic molecules are famously way more dangerous to us (e.g. mercury vs dimethylmercury), so it’s not really controversial to say that pumping tons of tetraethyl lead directly into the air people breathe may have been worse than whatever can leach out of lead pipes or dishware.
Now that leaded gasoline is mostly phased out (except for avgas), I imagine the prevalence of lead poisoning will settle closer to what it may have been a millennia ago
Awesome, thank you for taking the time to explore it more, that makes sense to me
I’m curious, couldn’t we define z as only 1/0? Then 2/0 would have to be factored to 2*(1/0) first and it would solve this specific example of things breaking. I haven’t done advanced math in a while but your comment picked my curiosity haha
I remember 1/0 is pretty important in limits and stuff, it just seemed to me that this specific example seems not too hard to resolve
Superuser do? How about soviet worker do?!
As a parent who doesn’t try to convince childless people to have children… fair point.
I’m not sure if my comment is whoosh, but just in case; it’s the transliteration of the letters in the picture if you read them as cyrillic letters, highlighting that they should be understood as faux-cyrillic instead
I think this (admittedly long) video is a good summary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PfrtN2LlgSI
I’m sorry but you can totally control the margin size in LaTeX if you learn the right incantation
backslash UsEpAcKaGe letterpaper H-maaaaaaargin point seventy-niiiiiine inch brackets GEOOOOOMETRY
then you spread the entrails slightly and stab towards the sky. Really don’t see what the big fuss is all about.
We had to replace the entire screen assembly for that at the time but I’m sure it’s possible to do something less drastic if you are just working on your own machine
I worked on repairing Macs during that period and I suspect that no wifi card except this specific one would fit in the relevant slot of the machine.
They weren’t standard formats as far as I know and couldn’t be used across models because the shape of the actual card was never the same. It’s possible the connectors didn’t change though, or that a third party manufacturer made new cards specifically for that model, although that seems unlikely.
Another commenter (u/bloodfart) wrote that the connector was a standard mini pcie connector; I can’t confirm but that’s plausible and would mean it’s a lot more likely that an upgrade may be possible
One note of caution, it was really easy for an uninitiated repair person to sever the antenna wire from its connector when trying to disconnect or reconnect them, the cables are quite thin
Getting books from the library to read?
Thank you, the page you sourced references a 2024 paper inspired by the Oppenheimer movie that was super interesting to read
I don’t know what chain reaction exactly they were thinking of, but from modern fusion research, I believe we can confidently say that the atmosphere would need to be interior-of-a-large-star-level dense, and even then I’m not sure you’d get nitrogen fusing with anything without a lot of hydrogen or helium around. Nitrogen-nitrogen fusion seems extremely implausible for sure
🤞I hope it’s a good record🤞I hope it’s a good record-- aw.
At first I thought this was a Tim Apple joke but that’s his actual name lol