How come with bsd it’s more of a dig your own hole sort of adventure?
How come with bsd it’s more of a dig your own hole sort of adventure?
that’s funny because “nods, satisfied” is the title of my sex tape.
if they find out who took it, they tell him it’s
Not yo cheese!
notyo cheese!
nacho cheese.
I’m completely ignorant to Lemmys comment markup.
isn’t that where we’re supposed to be storing our scheckles?
or they melt?
my brain read this to me in captain Raymond Holts voice from Brooklyn 99
wait until after puberty. it starts to feel different down there.
probably only gets 10 miles per gas grass or ass.
I bet he says layer of thy mother a lot.
“Look at that beta male, not even asserting his dominance over the couches!”
-JD Vance, probably
haha you’re right. i meant nine point eight meters per second per second
I always figured Russian values were 9.8m^2
you know … terminal… velocity from falling out of buildings.
I heard the upper class folks dubbed this one
“cheeseburger ramifications”
well hi there!
yo mama so fat the injuns tried circling her and …well they… couldn’t.
yeah yeah yeah, we’ll try to act surprised even though we’re all slaves to systems that prop up billionaires who do nothing but bad for the planet and species because who gives a fuck about all of us working ants and roaches who would crawl over them if given the chance.
no one does anything, we all just met h toward the end so fuck it.