Could it also be people waiting for a new version of model Y? (Hope not)
Could it also be people waiting for a new version of model Y? (Hope not)
Reminds me of this great bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx_f6QdlW2U
Doesn’t work
Meaning “Variable refresh rates” for smoother video performance. Had to look it up.
Ubuntu hasn’t used unity for years and years. It’s gnome with some extensions now.
There is an extension to move apps to a given workspace, but a static one. Not the “last used”.
And mapilio is what?
“Mapilio’s platform creates smart map data using street-level images.”
Is it the same as mapillary?
Also oil to pay for all og this.
Check out Pika backup. It’s a beautiful frontend for Borg. And Borg is the shit.
Jeg tror det er et EU-krav. Samme svar hos feks Vipps. Helt sykt at en amerikansk bedrift må ha admin på telefonen vår for at vi skal få lov til å bruke en norsk banktjeneste.