Check out the guy with the brand new house!
Check out the guy with the brand new house!
I once left a plastic tub of bird seed next to the shed one winter. Something chewed it’s way through the plastic, got stuck and died. Since there was now a hole the rain turned it into a weird soup that I discovered during the hot summer. I can’t even imagine the smell if that was anchovies, it was bad enough as it was.
Not OP, but I’ve been using Kitty for ages and love it. A GPU term is a must IMO.
You check out the neovim plugin too if you haven’t already.
But now what can I spend all this anger on?
Check out bbsemu if you wanna relive that. I know they have LORD for sure, and it’s a really quick setup - unlike the old BBS software.
Used to have an MSI wind back in the day, this looks exactly like it!
First old meme I’ve never seen! Damnit Janet!