the best Antichrist anyone has ever seen, may people are saying
the best Antichrist anyone has ever seen, may people are saying
It’d be a lot cooler if they got rid of that god damn tooltip that has said “listen on your speaker” for 10 years. I’m not sure if they know this but they make a music application that produces sounds waves that already come out of speakers. If it didn’t then I wouldn’t be able to hear it.
Bring back you cowards
(They had a video of a car jump that made me laugh every time I saw it and I can’t find it any more)
I wonder how he’ll make it worse.
Oh man now I just need to live to see it!
Always accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty
So the chances are pretty high that they absolutely love it
Yep but that means you’re not buying gas, which is a crime
So this cowboy puppy comes in here and says: I’m lookin for the man who shot my paw
Would also like to stop hearing the word Unhinged. I don’t think it carries any value anymore.
I have about 5 pounds of bicentennial quarters.
Works every time!
My doctor usually prescribes Oxycodone when I have a stone/stones, but I’m just not an opiate guy. It makes me feel more sweaty and nauseous and despair. There is a prescription NSAID called Ketorlac that works much better for this kind of thing in my opinion. One of the effects of long term use is kidney damage, so you need to take enough but not too much for too long. FYI if you’re looking for something to think about next time you get one.
I also found a wireless TENS unit called a Hollywog that just sticks to your back. It’s a little plate and doesn’t have any external wires. It hangs on by the electrode pads and you control it with a phone app over Bluetooth. This thing is great to use while your back is winding and wringing and you are stuck in a reloading agony loop. It kind of helps make it possible to focus on something for a minute without being distracted by the pain.
We really like Sky Valley too.
I do like both of those things.
This guy always has such dramatic YouTube thumbnail image face
I never really thought this through all the way this until fairly recently, and it’s not just this instance in particular, but Nancy comics are pretty good.
I like anything that hurts Teams
I just started playing the first one for the first time and I am just not jiving with it at all. Every single thing about it just seems deliberately and pointlessly jarring and impossible to accept. I get that the counterpoint is that I am just too dumb to understand its brilliance. I do like seeing that it looks like the weird thumbs up bottle baby made it to part two though.