Doesn’t have to he illegal at all… I refuse to give up having control because of stupid backwards laws.
well yeah, if you pretend the laws don’t exist then nothing has to be illegal.
Doesn’t have to he illegal at all… I refuse to give up having control because of stupid backwards laws.
well yeah, if you pretend the laws don’t exist then nothing has to be illegal.
You don’t have to be an expert in Israeli politics, the article lays it out for you
Israeli history has taught us that each and every surprise and crisis led to the collapse of the government. That was the case in 1973 [after the Yom Kippur War] with Golda Meir, in 1982 with Menachem Begin in the first Lebanon war, and in 2006, with Ehud Olmert, in the second Lebanon War.
Seems like 9/11 is not a good analogue because Israelis are less tolerant of government security failures than Americans are.
Unfortunately, the promotion to raccoon manager does not come with a salary bump.
the battle between ad-blockers and ad-blocker-blockers is eternal. adblockers will adapt.
if i block ads, it’s only fair that google tries to block my blocking of their ads. calling this “enshittification” is silly, they didn’t make their product worse they just are doing a better job of enforcing the rule that’s always been there.
I mean, if you give people a long weekend they’re gonna celebrate.
I don’t know any white people who sat around in solemn reflection last weekend, but I know plenty who had an extra day of partying.
Ok, but give us some credit.
It was only last weekend we had a national holiday to celebrate how we treated the natives.
there was a time when they were slow, but that’s mostly been resolved.
but it’s really just a cult thing now. people hate snaps because they think they’re supposed to hate snaps.
It says further down the article that it was a garmin inreach, Which is a GPS device that can send short messages over the iridium satellite network.
“droid” was actually a verizon brand, not motorola or google. any droid-branded phone was a verizon rebranding of a phone that was sold as something else outside the US.
but yeah, android never existed outside of google. Google bought out android before their first public release.
i’m not seeing the part of that article where there’s any evidence at all of health care workers pushing anybody to take MAiD.
Indians really going out of their way to prove that yes, they are stupid enough to believe everything modi tells them
yeah absolutely. it’s a problem, and spacex should be criticised for making their space garbage everybody else’s problem.
i’m just saying framing this as “elon keeps losing” because his company’s system is working exactly as it was designed to is pretty dumb.
Obligatory “fuck Elon”, but starlink launches thousands of these things, with an expectation of losing some of them. This isn’t a problem, it’s how the system is designed.
This is like writing an article about how 45 of a frog’s eggs failed to hatch.
password rotation is generally not considered a “best practice” but not doing something because it’s not a best practice is only a good strategy if you’re actually going to follow the best practices. password rotation is less effective than a good password manager and long randomly generated passwords that are unique to each site. requiring passwords be rotated can be an impediment to using strong unique passwords, which is why it’s not a good practice.
but a freshly rotated “MyNewPassword15” is a million times better than your password being “password”, or being the same thing you use on every sketchy website whose database has been breached a dozen times.
it seemed like a really weird decision for OpenAI to have an AI classifier in the first place. their whole business is to generate output that’s good enough that it can’t be distinguished from what a human might produce, and then they went and made a tool to try and point out where they failed.
Id make better people use it
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Does the G20 ever deliver results?
It’s good for leaders to get together and talk to each other. But expecting something concrete to come out of this seems silly. That’s not the point. The “declaration” will just be the usual “we agree to work together for the betterment of humanity” or some vague bullshit.
Skin seems a little undervalued.