So sorry, looks like the correct answer for this morning was “pardon Pete Rose and try to strongarm the MLB Hall of Fame into inducting him”. I’m sure that will change by lunch though.
So sorry, looks like the correct answer for this morning was “pardon Pete Rose and try to strongarm the MLB Hall of Fame into inducting him”. I’m sure that will change by lunch though.
First time I encountered one was in the Helsinki airport at like 5am. I definitely stared at it for a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out what to do with it. And I may have just wiped my hands on my pants and walked away in the end.
It’s not more people using the product, it’s the limited population who are paying $200/month use it way more than they thought they would. So the costs per person paying that are going way over $200/month. Basically, they made the mistake of setting a fuck off price that was too low and a bunch of people did the math and took them up on the offer.
In fact, dodging while publicly saying that he knows he’s being sued is likely to actually fuck him harder once he is in court. And publicly saying that he’ll just go bankrupt and avoid paying them anything will also probably fuck him harder. He needs to get a lawyer and just shut the fuck up.
They’d be too busy locking up every person who ever set foot in a hospital to get around to lil ole Alex Jones.
My government teacher in high school took our class to a Herman Cain rally. It was… interesting. Towards the end of his campaign, so it was in a BBQ restaurant that had a stage for bands and maybe 50 people were there total. I don’t remember much about it, other than it was hard to hear because we were in a restaurant that was still playing music in the other room. I believe you’ll have a very different experience tonight lol
Hot temperatures are bad, humidity is bad, but it turns out hot temperatures at lower humidity is seemingly even worse. And we’re all fucked because climate change models show us likely hitting the temps this guy was exposed to if we don’t fix some shit fast.
I have clear memories of the pastor at my parents’ church talking about how the gay agenda’s next steps were legalizing bestiality and pedophilia. Probably would’ve been somewhere around 2014-2015. Looking back, it was absolutely the beginning of the end of me having anything to do with religion, so maybe it’s actually the best sermon I ever sat through.
I’m getting closer every fucking day, proportional to how increasingly little I feel like I belong here.
But you don’t carry the sign with you. It stays at the shelf. Sure, they could build a system that tracks you everywhere in the store and marks what price they showed you and tells the register what price to display when you check out. They’ll try all that, but this won’t do it yet.
Yeah, I’m not actually that worried. I’ve seen these in use at hardware stores for quite a while now. It’s just useful to assume that Walmart is planning to fuck you over. That’s a good point with BT though, many of the kind of microcontrollers that would be used for this sort of thing offer BT connectivity as well.
As long as you have a free market and not a coordinated one it will work out great for you guys too
Ah, so we’re fucked
There’s not really a way to do that with this technology. These are just price tags on the shelf, so if they changed the price it would change it for everyone in the store.
The deductible is an amount that you pay out of pocket before insurance starts covering anything. So if insurance doesn’t get billed, the money doesn’t count towards the deductible. This may make it difficult to lower the bill at all, it really depends on how much the entire bill is compared to your deductible. If you can’t pay it though, they’ll have to give you an affordable payment plan. Definitely negotiate and don’t take a loan out from some other source to cover.
Seems to be this veto of Palestine being admitted to the UN as a full member.
I periodically stumble across Joel’s blog and it blows my mind how relevant it typically is.
Holy shit, they really buried the lede with that headline. For sure, throw away the key.
The linked URL at the top is The Seattle Times reporting on this comment. The original comment was just being reposted here for full context.
Do you have any idea what sort of chemicals are in those frosted bulbs? Obviously you can’t smoke meth out of them, it might cause health problems.
I once worked at a place that had a test environment that used the prod databases. After I left, I heard about an intern who left a where clause off of a SQL query and rewrote an entire production table from the test environment.