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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I definitely didn’t intend to imply or accuse you of being astroturfey or anything else for that matter and I’m truly sorry it came off that way. It seems I should be much more careful in my wording. I did a bad job of paraphrasing something I heard about how the original Reddit accounts and lack of traditional organizers are a bit suspicious.

    At the end of the day I think we’re all scared and trying to navigate a complex media ecosystem and it’s easy to make mistakes.

    I genuinely have heard concerns from friends and was trying to check their veracity. It seems from what I’ve heard here that they are bogus and I’m grateful to the commenters who have pointed that out.

    I added an edit to my original comment to try to make this clearer to anyone else who’s been fed the same misinformation as me and I’ll definitely share that with my community.

  • Fun fact, spirit in the sky was made by a Jewish man who just liked the sound of gospel music and didn’t believe any of it. White Christmas is similar, Irving Berlin was also Jewish.

    Sometimes creative people just want to make good art and in largely religious societies they can make their art more relatable or consumable by incorporating that religion

    Edit to add: Michelangelo never even wanted to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. He … made it clear from the start that he resented the commission, which had been imposed upon him by the imperious and demanding “warrior pope”, Julius II.

    Some absolutely beautiful things have been made in the name of religion, but underneath that I believe you see the beauty and creativity that the human spirit is capable of shine through, and those amazing people deserve credit much more than an invisible sky man or hierarchical power structure for supposedly inspiring it