Scrapping the barrel eh
Scrapping the barrel eh
Interesting. Using their platform against them?
Time is the most expensive currency. You will never ever get back the time spent. So spend it wisely.
So far.
The only feeling I feel in life are sleep tired and hunger. Let me at least enjoy it :(
That felling makes me very very uncomfortable. Also when folding a paper and scratching along the edge.
Before you go on an omnicide on the entire species, consider planting Neem tree. These naturally repel mosquitoes. You can also get their oil to burn in oil dispenser etc but be warned it stinks like hell. I prefer to have a small pot of it next to the window and once it grows big enough, put it in a permanent place in the ground.
In the words of late great George Carlin, “The planet is not going anywhere. We are. We’re going away.”
I am also using raddle.me and squabbles.io. both look promising and slightly less confusing than Lemmy with their instances.
Are we now posting 2009 Facebook images