Thank you for your service. Thank you.
Thank you for your service. Thank you.
Taught elementary for about 25 years. I can attest to the oddball questions coming from little folks just like him.
Nobody’s standards should be that low. You may need some help my friend.
My ex wife.
Ohmygosh, so did I.
The whole “no masks” comment immediately made me think of “no take backs “. Seems fitting for the oversized orange man-child.
It’s Florida. It will never get fixed even after they decide to change it. Live there long enough to see the same roads worked on for 20 years.
Surprised there’s still grass.
So, is this something that one throws together while sitting on the potty, or are the taxpayers paying someone to put in a fair amount of time and effort to come up with this waste? Just asking.
Sure. Why would anyone need such a thing? They’ve already found it.
Wow! What an intelligent idea.
I see much stupid on the horizon my friend. Sit back.
Have fun closing that little box.
Taught in Florida. It was an alligator.
I mean I can definitely feel his pain.
And not a single drag queen. Hmmm.
The food was pretty decent in the early 90’s. It was made at the school so it was fresh. A sight cheaper as well. This was not more than a few years. Food quality changed dramatically after they wanted to run the cafeteria more like a business.
Just the females? Doesn’t seem equal. Edit: y’all get sarcasm, right?