What did they intend for this picture, I wondee?
What did they intend for this picture, I wondee?
Also, dumb children who don’t deserve measles. Say no to measles!
Sorry you have to deal with that
More info on this? Dont know what to search for.
I assume that server-side asset deletions are applied to client libraries. I.e. If I take a picture on my phone, but then later delete the picture from immich on another device, it will then also remove the original copy on the client (phone) that took it.
I’ve not used it but this might be an alternative.
Edit: Looks like it can indeed send/receive webhooks
What exactly happened in Seinfeld?
Just because theyre not “right” doesn’t mean this person doesn’t have a point; when you use the word poor, lots of people can’t or wont identify that way.
I’m in agreement with you generally, and I have made the same argument as you before. But people wont get this, they wont hear your argument because theyre too busy feeling like youre ridiculous for calling them poor. The sheer magnitude of wealth disparity is not well understood by your average joe.
The other commenter is offering more precise wording thats less likely to be understood wrong.
If I want to teach you to cook, but we can’t move on from whether its called a “spatula” or a “flipper”, nobody is learning anything.
Since we are being pedantic, I think maybe you mean “apply” not implement?
Based on the above comment, I think you are looking for ~/.var/app
Ducks and geese are some birds that have penises
What do you like about it in macOS? I have never used it, so it’s hard for me to understand the appeal.
They have potential. It is time to weaponize snails.
I have trouble finding podcasts I like. Usually if I want to hear a story, I want to be engrossed and have as many details as possible. And for nonfiction, I tend to dislike a lot of commentary. I just want the information as plain as possible.
Reading can feel like such a chore, even if you enjoy it.
I have trouble getting started. I’m not sure why I feel as though I should only read a book at a time, and that I should finish every book I start.
So I am trying to treat reading more like how I watch TV. I can start and stop, maybe skip a slow episode (chapter, page). I read more than one book at a time. I just swap between books as my interest changes.
Also, audiobooks have been a really great way for me to read more. I listen on walks, while driving, doing odd jobs, or just while playing some mindless game that keeps my eyes and hands occupied while I listen.
It’s just so much more fulfilling than listening to music. I find nothing is quite comparable to the way books capture a moment. Theres just so much perspective and wisdom even in fiction books, they can make other media seem somewhat shallow in comparison sometimes.
If you get/have a library card, see if they support overdrive/libby. I periodically replace my social media apps on my homescreen with a book reading app. When muscle memory decides its time to doom scroll, I end up reading a few pages of a book on my phone instead.
About caring less, I cant claim to have figured it out, but read stoic philosophy seems to help put me on the right track. My understanding is its the basis for a lot of modern psychotherapy, and it seems to make a lot of sense to me.
You know the split brain experiments? Your alter ego decided to test its theory.
Thank you pizza guy
Theyre not coding anymore