They deserve to lose so much more.
They deserve to lose so much more.
By 2035 everyone who actually likes computers will be primary using Linux.
Poor Cleo. :( Get well soon!
To be totally honest, this isn’t about stock market gamesmanship to me–I’m not trying to buy the dip over the next few days. (If anything I’m waiting for the AI bubble, which I personally believe is bigger than the .com bubble, to blow the fuck up.)
Between incompetent idiots and assholes running everything, ridiculously inflated stock prices, meme stocks and market manipulation, on-again-off-again trade war bullshit, and the AI bubble, I’m happy to have my money out of the market. I have zero faith in the people who are running our economy to do anything worth investing in, and I’ll be perfectly happy to find alternative means of investing over the next 2-4 years.
Frankly, I’m sick of putting almost my entire life savings in the hands of corporations and the delusional k-holed fucknuts like Musk who run them. It’s a bonus that I’m no longer the shameful owner of bullshit ETFs and company shares that serve only to enrich and empower the richest corporate oligarchs.
I’ve lived through multiple crashes already, maybe I’ll hop back into the stock market during the next one, or maybe not because fuck this whole system.
I sold all of my stocks a couple weeks back and I’m feeling pretty fucking good about that right now.
Margin of error +/-52%.
Duplicate communities are a good thing anyway.
It’s crazy that on Reddit a community can get hijacked by some fucking weirdo who has control of things basically forever.
I think you should contact the moderation team. I’d be really curious to hear what they have to say is “excessive” about you informing people of EU-based alternatives to Reddit…
If nothing else it’ll be a good laugh here on fedi.
Jesus, this fucking paranoid bitch can barely string a sentence together. He must be neck deep in the techbro CEO k-hole…
Also, as an Irish leftist, he should leave my people out of his delusional and incoherent ranting.
I’m not sure there was much value in the type of tea-leaf reading that 538 was known to do, but then again, I’m not sure how much value there is in corporate political news in general.
Almost not worth living (if not for pizza and weed gummies).
I’m sorry. He’s beautiful and looks so nice. It’s such a hard thing.
Jokes on you, I don’t have healthcare.
She had the perfect opportunity to reference Metal Sonic here, but she blew it.
Aside from Trump, you must be the dumbest person in any room if you think rewarding Russia for invading Ukraine is a good move. History has shown those of us who know it that imperialist conquest must be met with all kinds of forceful opposition.
It was already a mistake for the world (including the US under Obama) for not pushing back hard when Russia took Crimea, and it would be an even bigger one to let them take another huge slice of Ukraine today.
Ukraine has paid their fair share in this war–they have paid with the blood of their people. But dumbfuck Trump is so desperate to give his “buddy” Putin a win here, and to join in the shakedown of Ukraine for “mineral rights” that wont mean fuck all when Russia continues his campaign and takes the rest of the country. Like seriously, what fucking good will all those minerals be worth when they end up within Russia’s borders?
It’s the dumbest plan of all time, it’s a shakedown of a nation that has already been invaded, and if we give up on Ukraine it will ultimately lead to a broader war that Europe and USA will have to fight themselves, because there will be no Ukrainians left to fight on our behalf.
This is the darkest moment in American geopolitical history. We can’t even pretend to be a country of values or valor anymore. We’re a pathetic country of greedy short-sighted cowards in ill-fitting business suits and we are inviting the war to us.
This is why Trump is extorting Ukraine. The people of the USA are overwhelmingly in favor of helping Ukraine fight against Putin’s imperialistic invasion.
Nah. They do have to admit they were fucking wrong. Otherwise it’ll just be the same stupid shit over and over again. Enough reaching out with olive branches.
I blocked MutualAid-related tags months ago because there is only so much begging and sob stories that a person can take.
I feel sorry for people who have problems and situations so desperate that they feel the best way to fix them is asking random people on the internet for money, but I just don’t know if I can trust them and I absolutely know I can’t help everyone.
On the bright side, it’s never been a better time to switch to an immutable distro…
But seriously this is good news and I’m glad to have you all here. Lemmy is in a pretty good position right now in terms of having a critical mass of users and decent traction within popular communities. At the very least it feels self-sustaining here.