I love your thoughts here. I hadn’t ever thought of ways you can last minute engineer a way for the vehicle to keep the pedestrian from being crushed rather than thrown up
I love your thoughts here. I hadn’t ever thought of ways you can last minute engineer a way for the vehicle to keep the pedestrian from being crushed rather than thrown up
I like this - but would companies that fail (in being second) not get credit for their work? You could imagine the second place actually having a more effective product at the end.
Penises are so weird. I’m glad no one can tell my level of arousal unless they are looking at my underwear or under it… Which by that point I probably am okay sharing that information.
Tangential note - had a fun conversation with my person the other day on how I’m used to the erect penis as “normal” and how it looks funnier when it’s not whereas for him it’s the opposite!
Maybe! I had my eyes closed so didn’t see what was happening until I opened them. I kind of want to experiment more.
I think you’re also a brilliant fellow human.
I want to test this out. Let’s see how it goes. Today I went skiing and I have a pet rabbit.
Holy shit. I expected at least one typo
As a female bodied person - can I get an explanation?
As someone who regularly mispronounces this as rhyming with almonds I feel a little attacked
I also say the following wrong: Ikea, Nutella, idea. Somehow my bilingual brain just gives up.
I have a question out of curiosity… Is it supportive in a good way or do the ab and back muscles start to weaken with time if you don’t make an effort to strengthen them?
Every time you think it can’t get weirder.
So fun fact - the clothes were made to look like the proportions were wild and therefore historical corsets were not as crazy tight as we would assume.
I can respect that. But also- set aside money on a regular basis (cash in an envelope for the physical reality or in a budgeting app) until you have enough to get one. And then splurge on that or something else you want more by then!
Wait wait don’t tell me taught me he was probably vegan.
Which is why we need ranked choice voting so we steal power away from this bipartisan system that robs us of our actual choice.
I’m really happy it’s getting better for you! Hopefully it keeps improving.
Also works - similar reasons. Soap every day can hurt skin more than letting it do it’s on thing. But I absolutely adore showers - I just prefer to try and let my hair oils do their thing until appearing professional forces me to shampoo.
Back of my neck! I always have a shower cap on on non shampoo days and I usually miss my neck.
F250 is super common for construction fleet vehicles.