You missed the one kick that was blocked then ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
You missed the one kick that was blocked then ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
It’s all about instilling Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt to gain from it.
Right now what they are gaining are lower overhead and when they re-hire they will be paying less for the same roles.
The ones that wear one boot inside another. Only a single boot on each foot suffices.
Try it in your terminal and come back here to tell us the results
There is always an alternate reality
They are soft material artifacts that protect and warm up the programmer’s feet.
It’s the name of a famous novel:
Touché! I was thinking Information Technology, but you win with Pennywise twist.
Which one is it?
“Ask me anything about it and I’ll try to answer”
“Ask me anything about IT and I’ll try to answer”
Also makes cute sounds and blinks on special occasions
The 16 first class seats will be replaced by 30 economy plus seats, increasing capacity by 14 additional passengers per flight and reducing cost of first class food and equipment to serve. A win-win for company and shareholders but a loss to consumer choice.
In this market I imagine this has transpired:
Employee: “Customers are not seeing the value on the service priced at 4X of an economy seat. Let’s offer first class at a discount. Market research shows customers willing to pay a premium markup of up to 2X for it.”
Boss: “Great idea, let’s increase plane occupancy by making more economy premium seats and marking up all of them 2X!”
Boss gets bonus for innovation and promotion. Employee gets RTO orders, 1% merit increase, 2% COLA adjustment and a pizza party from the boss to thank for being part of the AA family!
Well said on all bullets!
I’ve been getting around the addictive nature of it by doing the following:
First deleted YouTube app and bookmarked Invidious links, that way if I want to find some specific video I can just search for it and not be bothered by ads or algorithm suggestions that are made to keep me in the loop of doom.
Second I’ve loaded epub copy of books I am currently reading on kindle or on paper to my phone, and made the Books and Kindle apps prominent next to Invidious, so when I am tempted to look for videos I can instead replace with reading books I have on my list.
My video watching habit has reduced drastically, mostly down to searching for diy fixes.
Ugh! Now that you say that we are probably not far away from WiFi enabled ranges being a feature… that WHEN enabled will allow you to:
Thanks for that pov! I had not considered it and to my surprise I just thought of someone in my family that has the same type of worry you do, and that person would probably benefit from that kind of peace of mind like you suggested.
TIL - cool, makes sense.
It would make sense if we had a server that could fetch prices instead of opening up potential weak systems to the internet.
Three years ago bought the same mobo, same cpu, 16gb corsair, 256 gb Samsung ssd, gtx 3080 Ti, plus everything else to build it and the cost was $1200. You got a deal.
To be honest that 550 mobo sucked until 2023, when they finally released firmware that allowed for us to set the language. For some weird reason the mobo defaulted into Chinese and was impossible to make changes to it. Lived with a non configured mobo for a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯