I’m working on adding that and glossy/matte screen.
I’m working on adding that and glossy/matte screen.
Any other countries people would like to see added?
Glad you like it!
Rtings.com scores do not include price as a factor. Scores are calculated by multiple test results.
Same thing for 100 inch models now. Maybe it’ll flatten out in a few years.
Display technologies are a bit confusing, but this should give you a general idea: https://imgur.com/a/PhTFNZ2
thanks! maybe it’s the blurbs?
Yes, it’s more of a supporting tool to check prices and overall reviews. Checking detailed reviews should be done as well.
Data comes from amazon listing, which is why it’s incorrect. Yes, passmark is CPU score.
Hey, I’ve added a generation filter.
The ‘free shipping’ filter might help.
Did you use the german version? https://lowcostminipcs.com/de/
Update: added germany https://lowcostminipcs.com/de/
No, there was a big slowdown that was easily optimizable. Thank you for pointing it out!
Should be much faster now!
Yes, maybe I should add this somewhere: ‘This is an automated tool. Please read the listing and confirm the specifications before ordering.’
I’ll add gen filters. Form factors are tougher because sellers are inconsistent with them.
Unfortunately this info is rarely provided by sellers.
Those amazon links are hand curated, and those are good brands and models. I’ll be on the lookout for those shady brands, thanks!
great suggestions!