The ceasefire will begin when all targets and terrorist are eliminated.
The ceasefire will begin when all targets and terrorist are eliminated.
That’s a little long, but think we can make it fit on your headstone.
Well most of us are fat, so that energy is already stored and needs to be released in some way. Being fat as it is is bad for the environment.
Do you want him to croak this weekend? Because this Is how you tempt fate and he falls a breaks a hip.
Cheaper than I thought!
I’ve failed upward my whole life, no reason to stop now.
I don’t need your “reasoning” to understand fiduciary duty to stock holders.
as CEO? any other C-suite position? Because a publicly traded company’s #1 duty is to generate profit for share holders. “touchy feely nice nice” policies go as far as they can before they start impacting profit.
If you believe Apple is practicing what it preaches I have a bridge to sell you. But yes, trust that is earned can be lost very easy.
Yeah exactly, there’s plenty of demand and opportunities for 2nd shift or 3rd shift work out there. Just because there’s no demand for 3rd shift bank tellers doesn’t mean there’s a problem.
Yes I know many people are lazy, and the last thing anyone would call me is a morning person. But I am motivated to earn money and make my business succeed which means making decisions that financially benefit the company first.
I’m a privileged business owner, I’m open when I say I’m open. I’m not going to start a nigh shift just because someone wants to work one. they only way I would is if some government entity punished me and forced me to do so.
I run a business, not a therapy group. Assuming people are being truthful is how people walk all over you. Trust is earned.
of course it’s a troll, but it’s true. Mining for material and manufacturing solar panels is incredibly dirty, and the massive water use to clean them all the time is not environmentally friendly.
Bottom of the wrung entry level coal truck drivers start at like $30/hr so I don’t feel too bad for them. A buddy of mine is an electrician at a mine and makes 50/hr days and i think nights are automatic overtime. He plans to retire at 40.
They system already adapted by creating electricity and alarm clocks, and for the night owls, night shifts.
you’ll have to let me know.
google coal mining swing shifts. Fucking ridiculous! 2 day shifts, 1 off, 2 night, 1 off, 3 day, 1 off, 3 night, 4 off, repeat.
The bombings will continue until moral improves.