Yup, warned them good… right as a threw the pipe bomb. Oh, and there’s another family by the way out who won’t let them pass.
You’re defending killing civilians. You are no better than the goons in hammas.
Yup, warned them good… right as a threw the pipe bomb. Oh, and there’s another family by the way out who won’t let them pass.
You’re defending killing civilians. You are no better than the goons in hammas.
You come at me with a knife, so I lob a pipe bomb at you, blowing you up along with the family right next to you having a picnic.
One of my favorite low budget creature movies of the time. It’s legitimately a great flick.
Oh, you betcha. Yah.
Yeah, the dude I called lived in a much more progressive sect. He was actually the “cab driver” for his community, which is why he had a cellphone. He also had a computer and a very rudimentary website for the stuff he was selling in the classifieds.
If by “done more” you mean “gotten civilians killed” and by “aid” you mean “militant religious zealotry”, then you’re absolutely correct. Otherwise, eat a dick you terrorist bootlicker goon.
I once called a guy about something he was advertising in the classifieds. I called him on Easter Sunday. He answered, but said he needed a second before he could talk.
Turns out he was Amish. I called an Amish man on the phone… on Easter Sunday. He answered… while he was in church.
I called an Amish man on his cellphone, which he answered in the middle of Easter mass, to talk about his classified ad.
This was the most tame interaction I’ve had with Amish folk. They’re fucking hardcore.
You know that scene in Parks and Rec where Ron Swanson tips a jug of moonshine up onto his shoulder and pours it down his gullet? I’ve fucking seen a bearded guy with a big hat and no buttons do that IRL.
The Amish know how to party.
I’m sorry, but what point are you trying to make?
Did they bulldoze a Palestinian farm to get their home?
Did you even read anything I wrote or did you just fucking knee-jerk to shitheel zionist talking points? You sound like a shitty AI bot.
Where the fuck are the Jews supposed to go?
Wherever they want? There’s tons of other places for the Israelis to go make lives for themselves. Who the fuck cares if they have “a state” or not? Just go fucking live and don’t fuck shit up for yourselves or the people around you.
Demanding a “safe space” for your particular genetic deviation in this day and age is nothing more than nationalism. The Jewish people have an established history that encompasses the entire planet. What difference does it make if they have a “state” or not? Do you think the millions of non-practicing jews around the world give a shit?
Disclaimer: The people saying Jews shouldn’t exist are ignorant, evil assholes. Also, the jews saying they have a right to bulldoze Palestinian homes are ignorant, evil assholes.
Fuck off with your religious/ethnic bullshit and figure out how to live alongside other fucking people.
That’s not the point.
That last paragraph is chef’s kiss.
Lol. Sure sure.
Oh no. Some myopic hexbear reject goons want to call me a lib. How ever will I go on living.
Yea I too like to infantilize people I dislike, this makes me feel super smug and superior.
They ARE wrong though. They’re acting like we’re only getting mad about one thing at a time. What kind of smug asshole goes on the internet to peddle moral superiority over strawmen?
Lol. Sure sure. You think killing civilians to get to terrorists is appropriate. Ergo, You’re also a terrorist.
Fastest way to peace? Faster way to create more people who want to take revenge on Israelis, more like.
But keep telling yourself that you have some moral high ground.