Deezer by default has drm I think. But people are also sharing premium arls that one can use with demix? Might have that name slightly wrong but with the win/Linux app one can grab music as mp3 320kbps.
Deezer by default has drm I think. But people are also sharing premium arls that one can use with demix? Might have that name slightly wrong but with the win/Linux app one can grab music as mp3 320kbps.
Ngl thought the same till I ordered a sample pack.
Having tried it, there seems to be a lot of thought put into it from having the pals help grow crops to being a flamethrower in battle.
It’s very much a smoother Pixelmon experience (pokemon Minecraft mod).
Feels like ark but possibly more polished? Hard to say since it’s in early access.
If you find a premium arl it’ll work. People were sharing them on telegram but I think that’s stopped but you can find more by googling.
Doesn’t help that the official one is on aliexpress with a bunch of knock offs. But the actual pinecil works really well with the same 60w charger I use with my pixel 4a.
Bought reanimation by Linkin park. The mecha album art is better than the remixes imo. Also the larger reason I bought it lol.
Doubt it, but it could aid you once you’ve acquired a windows pro installer. ;)
I don’t think your a clown at all. That convieince of ordering hard to find stuff is alluring as fuck.
There definitely times where showering in the morning where I thought I was colder after. But Western NY doesn’t frequently close for snow.
Dbz meme? Hell yeah I’ll upvote that.
Sometimes I wish I could sleep like Snorlax. Instead my body is like “oh minor annoyance? Better wake up.”
Bootlickers say they support the police with it. The same police that kill innocent people with no knock warrants and face little repercussion.
I hope game developers can shift to different game engines! Can’t imagine how difficult that could be since I don’t even know more than some basic python.
I guess F-Droid is limited in the sense of low user awareness? Similar to lemmy in the sense that its just not that popular atm, but maybe its gaining popularity?
The best yt video.
PSP 2000 hanging around somewhere. Thing was awesome. UMDs where a wild choice tho.
Bingo, we’d have better games if more bosses of game studios could act that way(s).
Wouldn’t that just be bare bones Linux with steam included? Not sure if steamos actually has tweaks over other Linux distro for gaming.
I can’t believe you’ve done this.
Now I see it dammit.