I also have 16gb vram and the 32b version runs ok. Anything larger would take too long I think
I also have 16gb vram and the 32b version runs ok. Anything larger would take too long I think
Emacs is from 1975 I think? So it’s very possible 🙂
Frames are the outer-most container for windows. I may be wrong on this, but there is 1 frame per instance of emacs, or emacs-client
How did you move to Norway? Afaik you can’t just show up to stay permanently.
I disagree with this. I tried Doom when I first started using Emacs and yes, it gets you there faster, but it’s extremely opinionated and essentially has it’s own configuration language. I found that confusing when trying to learn how Emacs works, as there is “the Emacs” way, and then “the Doom” way.
Yes org-mode is an excellent alternative to markdown. Emacs offers a ton of features out of the box related to org-mode. However it is intrinsically tied with Emacs, so if you aren’t sure about Emacs, then I wouldn’t suggest using org-mode as a replacement just yet. I do encourage you to give it a shot though!
It was a good assumption. These days most games will work flawlessly in WINE/Proton, but the same can’t be said for other Windows software, sadly.
The Affinity suite is notoriously difficult to get working properly in WINE and/or Proton
I currently run it in a Windows 10 VM using virt-manager and the virtio
drivers from RedHat to enable OpenGL acceleration on a Windows guest. It is a decent experience. Would probably be much better if I passed a USB pointer directly into the VM instead of relying on virtualization.
Haven’t tried it in WINE, and probably will never bother until the Affinity team take it seriously.
Hello! Welcome to Emacs!
Contrary to the other commenters, I would suggest starting with an out-of-the-box Emacs and only adding the things you need, as you need them.
As for your question, could you provide more detail about your expectations?
In the absence of it, I’ll give you some generic responses:
: https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-modehtml-mode
that is included by out of the box: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/HTML-Mode.htmlTo achieve this you will need a tiling window manager like Sway, Hyprland, or i3 and try to use as many CLI-based programs as possible for everything else. For browsers, there are projects like Nyxt (and some others I can’t remember) that allow you to use vim or emacs like shortcuts to browse around.
However most GUI apps probably won’t support an all-keyboard workflow so you will still need one. Depending on what software you use, however, you could make the vast majority of your regular computing mouse-free
Can’t speak to your other software, but battle.net and diablo 2 run great on Linux via WINE/Proton
And everyone else’s that uses Fedora?
It looks like the 5800x3D (and other AM4 cups) have been discontinued. They are going out of stock everywhere. Might be better to go with AM5 (7000 and 9000 series) at this point.
Excellent anime!
I just couldn’t get into the groove with Dr. Stone. I felt it required a much greater degree of suspension of disbelief since the setting is rooted in our reality, but they hand-wave over a lot of infrastructure needed to create the technologies they produce. When they got to cell phones/radios I just had to stop.
Delicious in Dungeon!