Can you not “just” add a “New Text Document.txt” template?
Can you not “just” add a “New Text Document.txt” template?
Let’s hope he doesn’t trip over the power cord
Would that not be under ~/Videos
We use DB2, but mostly because we call it from a mainframe.
What about the South Sea Company?
I’ve been told I dress like a “Texas Oil Tycoon”. Basically bolo tie, light colored suit or sports coat, and a Stetson. Considering I primarily listen to country music from the second half of the 20th century, I think it fits. I also play the fiddle (poorly), so it works.
Typically, the last mile is often not fiber. Telecoms are generally required to continue non-voip land line service. Its one of those regulations that, despite having good intentions, end up causing issues.
Honestly, there isn’t another platform that isn’t a step down. The algorithm that drives the For You Page is leaps and bounds ahead of Instagram and YouTube.
The best analogy I can give is if Linux was banned for personal use in the US. Sure, you could use Windows or macOS; the later is even Unix based! However, it would be a downgrade for Linux users. Even something like FreeBSD wouldn’t be a seemless transition, and the communities that were built would take time to recover.