I find the word 2nd class citizen distasteful, but agree with a lot of it. You mostly had me at abolish NFA and GCA
…that hole can’t be filled. We pretend because no one has the balls to live with the truth, the truth being that inside that hole, Jack, is what we really are: nothingness.
I find the word 2nd class citizen distasteful, but agree with a lot of it. You mostly had me at abolish NFA and GCA
No Gods or Kings, only Man.
In all likelihood, I probably will…
I have a habit of playing those for a few days and then becoming so enraged I put it down for a year. I actually just picked PS3 Demon’s Souls to finally get platinum.
Holy shit that ui is poison on mobile
For Whom the Bell Tolls
“Ni**as fight on the hill in the early day…” == Make his
The bad thing about the newfangled Dyson ones is there isn’t really a good place to put your dick
In a final act of defiance, the wasp robbed you of what you wanted most: the certain knowledge of its demise and the peace that comes with it When I am dying, I too will crawl away to my presumable death, never to be seen again. My enemies will spend the rest of their pitiful lives will be spent glancing over their shoulders and checking corners. Waiting for what will never come. They will never know a moment of true peace. The wasp can teach us a great deal about hate. Hate that is truly real and everlasting. All hail the wasp.
Great idea. Dry soils, which are basically pulverized rock, are typically trafficked in on the soles of shoes. When it works its way into individual carpet tufts and then trafficed again, it causes a majority of the discoloration we regard as “wear”. Have a dedicated pair of house shoes or slippers. Buy several sizes of machine washable ones for house guests. And vacuum several times a week. I once had a customer whose wife was limited to a wheelchair, which are typically very hard on carpets and leave dirty traffic patterns in the path of the wheels. Their carpets were in good condition. Their secret? “Outside” wheelchair that stayed in the trunk of the car.
Did this professionally for a while. Carpet cleaners would largely go out of business overnight if everyone took their shoes off. Filthy animals.
I’ll miss LG. My Fuzic II had a headphone jack, full QWERTY keyboard, FM transmitter…
I think the movie is going reeeaaaally well
I came in looking for this comment. Maybe they can redevelop it along with Robotech: Crystal Dreams
I respect your opinion, but I must now buy the album to compensate for your failure. Good day.
I saw that in the theater and nearly shit my pants. Holy hell what a roller coaster of a movie.
This one! Played as a kid and didn’t get it. Played again later when I discovered emulation and smoked it. I was a stupid kid.
Is that the game where you are a feudal Japanese farmer and have to dig holes and bury the aliens?
You’re gonna make me bust out the emulator again aren’t you
Years ago, a coworker greeted me with “Happy 420!”