Also, papyrus sucks.
Also, papyrus sucks.
I agree. If that doesn’t work, I’d give the whole line a visual inspection for any more obvious signs of damage. If that doesn’t work there are other options to troubleshoot, but I’d probably just replace the line and attempt to recycle the old cord into shorter lines for device connections, patching, etc.
I don’t know if this is accurate or not, but it’s the most nonsensical thing I’ve heard in a while. If engaging with something to say, “I don’t want to see this,” results in more of that content - the user will eventually leave the platform. I’m having this concern right now with my Google feed. I keep clicking not interested, yet continue getting similar content. Consequently, I’m increasingly leaning toward disabling the functionality because I’m tired of fucking seeing shit I don’t care to see. Getting angry just thinking about it.
Focusing on freeloaders rather than those in need is problematic. There will always be freeloaders, and sure, we should always aim to minimize their numbers. But is it worth it to deny those with genuine need who vastly outnumber the relatively miniscule number of freeloaders?
I was fully prepared to think people were overreacting, but it really is bizarre. The cherry on the cake is the brother’s lip bite toward the end. He must already know his sister adores him, right? So WTF is he getting all bashful when she expresses that? I can easily imagine the excitement depicted here in myself when I see my distant siblings. I can also easily imagine knocking on my sister’s door, and then joking I must have the wrong house, but it didn’t seem like it was a joke for him - it seemed like genuine surprise that his sister is all grown up to the point he didn’t recognize her. Shit is weird. But fuck, the lip bite?! I know I’m not everybody, but I feel like a more normal response to a sibling expressing “you’re my present this year”, would be like, “awwwww” and a hug. It sure was fuck isn’t a lip bite.