Is it any different than public/private ssh keys that I already use? Or just a rebranding?
Is it any different than public/private ssh keys that I already use? Or just a rebranding?
Simply thinking about macronutrient misses the bigger picture.
Proteins aren’t created equal - they’re our source of amino acids, nine of which are essential because our bodies can’t produce them. Different protein sources have varying amino acid profiles. While quinoa and beef both provide protein, only beef is considered a “complete” protein with all essential amino acids in optimal ratios.
Fats aren’t created equal either, the type of fat matters tremendously. Trans fats have been definitively linked to heart disease and inflammation, while monounsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil are associated with increased longevity.
Carbs, guess what? Not all carbohydrates affect your body the same way. Simple sugars and refined starches can spike blood glucose levels, potentially leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes over time. In contrast, resistant starches (found in foods like cooled potatoes and green bananas) act more like fiber, supporting gut health and providing steady energy.
You could be eating the exact same ratio of carbs:fats:proteins and have radically different health outcomes depending on what you are eating.
And this doesn’t even address the vitamins and minerals essential for everything from bone health to immune function.
The key isn’t just the macro numbers - it’s the actual foods you’re eating.
It’s funny because calorie restriction is actually the only scientifically proven method to increase longevity across a wide range of organisms, from mammals to simple unicellular organisms like yeast.
I moved to lemmy hoping it would be like classic Reddit, which it is to some extent. Unfortunately, my experience has been more like browsing Imgur – just endless memes and shitposts.
I tried blocking all the meme-focused communities I could find, but now my feed feels like a ghost town.
Ah I see don’t know about Microsoft’s 22 billion dollar HaloLens contract with the Department of Defence.
Using Bluefin (a Fedora atomic distro) and all of that gets done automatically behind the scenes. Flatpaks, distrobox containers, Brew, vocoder extensions, etc…
All done using topgrade: https://github.com/topgrade-rs/topgrade
Better to watch the original 4 times in a row.
Been on the lofi Chopin and similar songs lately.
Replace battery with battery/explosive/receiver combo.
Instead of news organizations holding general debates, I’d like to see non-political non-profits hold more narrowly focused debates. Can be broadcast by any channel that wants to air it.
Focus on two or three core, interconnected, issues with a few offshoots that are tangently connected.
Invite top thinkers on those specific issues along with the top presidential candidates.
Even if the other invites don’t have a shot at being president, it will still force the presidential candidates to try to make valid arguments against or side with people that really know about the issues. The people really should hear these views instead of main candidates just trying to bring their opponent down. And if someone not in the top two expresses something that really resonates with the audience, maybe it gets picked up by a main candidate.
Ptyxis is default on Bluefin, which I’m on now.
Recommend. Really nice container integration with distrobox.
This is what happens when people make content for points.
OP already admitted he made it up.
Anyone pay attention to most recent Venezuelan election?
Eh, I don’t trust any 3rd party enough to give them all my passwords and I don’t trust myself enough to secure a server for self hosting a password manager.
I know all my passwords, can’t forget em, no paper or notes, no repeat passwords.
All the meme communities. I thought lemmy was going to be like reddit 15 years ago, but scolling all seems more like imugr.
I have found that after doing a 5 day water fast, it was much much easier to limit myself to whatever daily calorie goal I was aiming for.
distrobox enter debian-toolbox
Check out projectbluefin.io, the developer experience has lots of goodies built in.
It’s a immutable/atomic fedora silverblue spin based on cloud native principles.
Pretty sure at this point reddit is keeping copies of all your edits.
Not eating is calorie restriction