It’s now down 18.5% on the day! I wouldn’t be surprised if Elon has used a lot of his shares to guarantee loans that will now come due.
Is this sarcasm? Sponsorships are not the same as ads.
That right turn lane has a light on it. It’s next to the ped crossing.
I tried the purple cushion and it wasn’t worth it. But besides that I don’t have a recommendation.
You can also find steelcase chairs on eBay for reasonable prices. They have all the adjustments and a wide variety of material options.
What tactic should they have used to get those big things passed? Shutting down the government is pretty much the only thing they weren’t willing to do.
Again incremental change is the only thing that could get done with the power they were given. They still support major change but they don’t have enough power to get it done. Yes it sucks that one party is trying to improve things and they can’t get more done. But what else would you have them do with the amount of power they were given?
What policies changed when they courted Republicans? Because as far as I can tell nothing changed for that but they did say that even with our policy differences, Republicans advocated voting for Dems. Dems have lgbtq+ and black people and immigrants and unions and many other groups that don’t have a single unifying cause. Republicans have Christian white people for the most part.
I don’t disagree. Different parties have different makeups. Dems are big tent and Repubs are unified single issue voters.
Since when did Dems abandon those things? They have repeatedly had them in the platform or at least verbally supported them and have pushed bills in Congress to get them done. The complaint was that they weren’t done under Dems control not that Dems didn’t support the issues.
Dems will make compromises to get incremental change. I don’t fault them for that. They fight for every inch they can get. That’s not a flaw it’s a feature. Giving up something that is minor for bigger progress on something else can be worth it. Just like when Pelosi and Schumer gave up minor concessions to Trump for significant protection on the budget fight.
Few things here.
This isn’t defeatist. It’s a realistic understanding of how the systems work. The fact that we got so many major things passed with such a tiny amount of control and in such a small amount of time is amazing.
Again requires Congressional action and there have been multiple bills that have passed through a democratic controlled house or Senate but stalled in the other half of Congress because Republicans wouldn’t vote for it and there wasn’t a large enough majority of Dems to get it done. Go check out for more info. It doesn’t take but 10-15 minutes of looking up information to find out Dems attempted to get it done but once again Republican obstruction (like has been happening since 2008) prevented real reforms.
How many of those could be done with the amount of control the Dems have had in the past 8 years? They had full control of the government with the barest of majorities for 2 years with 2 senators that were basically liberal Republicans. You got Gaza, but besides that the rest require Congressional action. While in control they did get the biggest investment in green energy ever, they did get substantial increases for infrastructure (including public transport), and they substantially increased the amount of tech that will be made in the US.
Why didn’t you get those things done? Because you didn’t have the power to do it, just like Dems didn’t.
Mint isn’t just a reseller of T-Mobile, T-Mobile owns mint.
Yep you’re wrong on 1. “The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters had asked railroads for seven days paid sick leave following the rejection of its contract earlier this month. Another union, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, rejected its contract in September in respect of other unions negotiating for additional benefits, though eventually voted to ratify”
I get what you are saying but it still isn’t the complete story. Yes he didn’t let them shut down a major pillar of our economy and at that time forced them to take an agreement that was basically everything they wanted except for off time. But his admin spent the months after getting those concessions from the railroads. The IBEW even thanked the admin for their work. He supported many other labor unions right to strike without interference.
Thats it. It’s a little difficult to get setup but I used that to get my Canon T2i setup as a webcam. You’ll also want to set it up to auto launch at login/startup. That are a ton of tutorials and videos on it since most streamers use it.
2 things you can try.
I don’t think you need to worry about sizes (or pitch) everything I have gotten from them has been correct but material and strength (temper) are definitely something to be wary of. So yea if you need ansi strength out of a bolt don’t get it from Amazon, but if you are just using a 1/4"-20 to fasten something together you’re probably fine.
They are moving to at least limited assigned seating. If you fly a lot, their rewards program is still pretty lucrative especially if you can hit companion pass.