Why is that :D ?
Not that I disagree with you, as it’s also my favorite, but just wanting to hear your reasons :)
Why is that :D ?
Not that I disagree with you, as it’s also my favorite, but just wanting to hear your reasons :)
Haha big brain time :P
You’re not wrong about compactness, that’s a really good point!
Thank you ! I’m a bit overwhelmed by the positive resonance so far, so now I’m wondering what to write after that will give me the same high haha :)
OK, debate solved, serifs
-> stroke terminals
Why? I’m not getting the joke :D
Now that you say that, I liked Aptos’ G
, but now I dislike it because it’ll likely make things harder for people with poor eyesight.
I liked arial
OK, you’re the only person who has managed to make me angry hehe :)
Someone actually likes Arial ??!!
Thank you so much, this sort of feedback warms my heart, it really does !
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What are the “display” variants of the new fonts in that article? They’re called that, at least on Office 365: Aptos Display, Grandview Display, etc.
but Aptos does look like an improvement
I think so too! Did you click through the Lorem Ipsum examples? Aptos is much easier on the eyes even in dense paragraphs.
I particularly like the serif added to the lowercase L
For the record, my calling those serifs has been a point of contention. To me Aptos feels like a semi-serif, not a sans-serif, although it’s officially one! However, it’s been suggested to me that I should do away with the serif terminology and call them simply stroke terminals!
Still mulling over this.
I agree wholeheartedly, it’s readable, but oh so ugly and brutalistic :P