• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • probably to busy trying to ignore whatever his own life has in store for him?

    in cases like these i default to my pet theory of "transphobic people are without realizing basically just inexperienced, scared little kids pretending to be adults, just like everyone else. except these havent seen so much of the world and a little ‘exposure therapy’ could actually work wonders if anyone really gave one of them an actual chance… but nobody has to put up with their bullshit so nobody will 🤷‍♀️ " (speaking about a singular transphobic person. a whole herd of them is just a stampede waiting to happen)

    but maybe that is just naivety on my part, believing that nobody is so lost they are irrecoverable :3

  • but you don’t want to cede control over the finances because you’ve tied your sense of self-worth to your status as the breadwinner?

    that’s not it.

    i wouldnt mind handing that status off, but i do mind that she wont be able to pursue her creative career while out cleaning some shitty offices.

    im sorry it did not work out for you.

    but who said anything about me becoming a deadweight wth? i didnt quit. i still have a job. i should just remove this

  • it has been legalized this year… but we are both bumbling idiots around plants… i had prepared around 50 paprika seeds (i didnt count, but threw away half of them because i had no space to plant them) had them sprouting and all… and now, weeks later, only two survived. but havent grown at all after the initial growth spurt… it was 6 that were growing okish, but idk… either the cat ate them or they drowned… bc of the cat, i had put a netting across the … “plantation” … but that was weeks ago and them fuckers arent growing at all ._.

    we’re waiting for the state to stop being a bumbling idiot about allowing the now legallized cannabis grow-clubs to actually grow cannabis. apparently the clubs need someone with some qualification that has been invented just for this but not yet implemented… maybe next year… (i expect shortly thereafter the law to change again and pot becoming illegal again)

  • i now feel like my text could be interpreted with a nasty intonation on “clever things”? as in sarcasm or cynicism?

    i didnt mean it that way, i love her and its just that idk what my problem is with that guy… i dont think it’s him but my continued social distancing. i mean… i dont mask, just as nobody does around here, except when we go to the doctor with a respiratory infection (though depending on the situation i might mask anyway) so it’s not much but i hope by not going out unnecessarily and using social media as an ersatz social life… well rly its more like sitting on an island and waiting for a bottle to arrive… admin should actually ban me so i get out more or something… sorry now im rambling… my main problem is probably my broccoli dependency. queue half-baked-esque-scene of the addicts-anonymous-self-help-group booing the protagoni…is he though? ok: main character, off the stage… if it wasnt for that, i would have more money and could afford a mask or one for all of my friends actually… one of those battery powered thingies or idk… this shitpiece simulacra of a life is getting on my nerves

    thank you for talking to me

  • not going to lie, it hurt a lot the first time… but everytime i redo my arms, it hurts less, though i have to also admit i miss the pain a little ^^’

    i think those scars ought to be fine … if in doubt, use tweezers near them instead, takes longer, hurts less, but eventually the regrowing hair will become thinner, a little, and then you can just use the epilator there too… i do it like moving the device into the hairs along the skin untill it hurts, then i pull back and lift off so it doesnt touch any more, repeat. also make sure the hair you epilate isnt to long, the longer it is the more likely it snaps, instead of being ripped out :3

  • heh, same here… originally planed to use it on my arms too but… it takes forever and doesnt do much so, a simple epilator is much more effective, hurts like a bitch, even more than ipl, but at least the hair is gone. only sucks to have to rub my skin sore every now and then to avoid ingrown hair…

  • toxic waste is more managable than radioactive waste. that is the logic that i am pounding on here.

    your logic says: let future generations take care of stuff we cant manage.

    and i say: it would be very irresponsible as we already have messed up the planet enough. let’s not add harder to manage waste to what’s already there.

    can we just agree to disagree?

    im not even saying we should ban research or something, there is still radioactive waste to manage