Most likely compensation is the promise of being part of privatization of whatever the fuck they’re destroying.
Most likely compensation is the promise of being part of privatization of whatever the fuck they’re destroying.
lmao wtf
Wasn’t this the plot to one of the Die Hards. Except they just went in and did it.
It’s a great idea and glad it’s getting traction but the problem in Australia is the grid and infrastructure. The amount of homes capable of V2G is probably very small and the energy providers constantly whinging about how it puts pressure on the grid. It’s a shame that there isn’t more focus on getting homes updated to be more efficient and getting more homes set up for solar.
Pi-hole coming to cars now
Remove buns replace with spagbowl.
I get AI has its uses but I don’t need my mouse to have any thing AI related (looking at you Logitech).
Because everything else is most likely written by ChatGPT
I would say they picked a pretty millennial specific artist.
Wow. Wtf.
“Profiling” is a specific type of activity under certain privacy laws, and generally refers to the automated processing of personal data to evaluate, analyze, or predict certain personal aspects about your performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or movements.
My god it’s all strings.
2011 Honda Fit/Jazz. That thing was like the god damn Tardis. Seats folded any which way you could think of so it could haul pretty much anything and paired with a roof rack you were invincible. It was small and nimble and was capable of anything. Snow? Sure. Camping down some semi rough tracks? Why not. Haul all your friends l? You got it boss.
I wish I still had it as I probably would have turned it into a battle car by now but sold it when I moved country’s.
Reminds me so much of my situation. I have two kids and having a steam deck has changed everything for me, I went from not having time and/or brain space to game to being able to pick up my deck here and there and play when and where I want and not need to be at my desk or the couch.
I’m going through CP77 and plan to pick up RDR2 next sale.
I used to love Weather Underground but stopped using it once The Weather Channel took over but crazy that IBM own that, what an odd acquisition.
Same here. I find myself going to Google Maps if I want to search for something and Apple Maps to navigate to whatever because actually searching for destinations in Apple Maps is usually buggered.
Oh no, how am I going to be recommended Tucker Carlson because I watched something about space? Legit happened during a private browsing session where I watched some rocket videos. Left it on accidentally with auto play and it ended up going down a Tucker Carlson rabbit hole most likely because Elom Munsk and Spacex videos were part of the auto play history.
More like get this shit outa here
Helvetica gang here
This is so wrong that I am offended.
As a former dumb kid this tracks