This entire thing is being done in America by American companies and the American government.
This entire thing is being done in America by American companies and the American government.
That is what’s going on in our politics
Apocalypse gestures broadly
It’s too bad people downvoted you because that’s genuinely what they (the evangelicals - not all Christians) believe
Thank you!
To your point but more succinct - just look at all the Red Bull sponsored athletes and crazy shit they do. Worth the overpriced drinks lol.
Most of those jars are perfect containers for weed.
I grow a bunch of weed for personal use and one year I grew so much I ran out of jars. I have probably ~50 or so 16oz mason jars as a result.
That was a good year!
That sounds like those Russian dolls where there’s a doll inside a doll inside a doll can’t remember the name lol
The tech stuff is above my pay grade but essentially my understanding is the code is open source and one could start their own server on the platform theoretically but no one does
And yeah, a “federated” (but not in practice) Twitter clone
The non consensual part would be my poor eyes seeing it but I’m not on Bluesky because it’s a corporate imitation of federation
Oh. Well in that case. Democracy it is!
As if the US would support such a movement. They only support right wing fascist dictatorships. Or “democracy” if there’s resources to exploit.
Does Serbia have any special natural resources we need to “spread democracy” for?
Christians believe that the angel gabriel announced to Mary she was preggers with Jesus
And Jews believe god told Moses his 10 commandments
Oh but trump is worse!!! If you criticize the dems at all and call them controlled opposition and a fraudulent political party you’re a trump supporter!
(If it’s not obvious, I fucking hate the democrat party and their blue MAGA vote blue no matter who base)
And Iran went from mini skirts to burqas in three years.
You’re probably right but I hope you’re wrong.
I think the right will revolt if pushed hard enough. A lot of trumps support isn’t genuine - it’s a lot of “reverse” lesser evil strategy. Most people I work with in a deep blue state (federally) voted for him. Of those, only two are actual trump supporters. The rest are mostly “apolitical” and don’t like him but saw him as less evil than Harris, who promised a continuation of much of the same failed policy as biden which was economically hurting my coworkers.
I think one of my coworkers - straight, female, 30s, white, seemingly socially liberal - is a perfect microcosm into the average trump voter: Me: I’m surprised you voted for trump. Why? “my paycheck didn’t go as far under biden. I don’t like the guy but I’m struggling now more than ever.” Me: what about women’s reproductive rights? “I’m not worried, our state’s constitution protects it”Me: what would make you regret your vote? “if they went after the states right to abortion”
This woman doesn’t hate minorities, doesn’t really care about immigration, is pro lgbtq, pro women’s rights. And she voted for trump because neoliberalism is bankrupting her. She’s not alone. The rabidly stupid base of trump supporters the media parades around because they act like a ridiculous cult are not the people who put trump in office. My coworker is the type who put trump in office. And if government services they or their loved ones rely on disappear or they’re kicked off of, there’s a real chance they might revolt.
I totally agree with this. They’re fucking around and they’re about to find out. There’s a gun behind every blade of grass in this country. The question is… what will be the last straw? I think we came dangerously close to a revolution during the beginning of covid, with the right wing losing their collective shit over being asked to stay home and wear a mask, and the BLM protests after another black person was shot by the cops. (Note the difference in severity of offense to get a crowd to form. Blacks getting killed vs whites getting inconvenienced)
What’s it going to take? Killing off social security? Medicare? Medicaid? I think SS will do it. My mother (and many others her age) rely on it almost entirely to survive. With nothing left to lose, kids grown and looking at the end of their lifespan, why not revolt? My moms a dem but most her age are trump supporters. Surely it’s the undesirables that trump will hurt and not them. but are they physically fit enough to revolt? Doubtful.
Last year I was in Home Depot looking at tool accessories. A woman dressed in marine officer uniform approached me. I thought she was hitting on me at first. In reality, she was trying to recruit me to the marines. “You look so young and fit! Hard to find these days!” Well unfortunately for her, not young enough.
This woman was casing out the local Home Depot looking for young fit people to recruit. They’re desperate. What does that say about our society and the chances that we even could revolt successfully? What does that say about our national security in general?
As for the whigs… the republicans went that way when trump and the tea party took over. The republicans of my youth (bush 2 and co) are now effectively the democrat party. See Liz Cheney as an example….
Thank you for this glimmer of sanity. I can’t deal with the libs and their vote harder bullshit any longer. We need real leadership and opposition, something the democrats are incapable of because it offends the “good billionaires” (lololol they learned nothing from the loss) aka their controllers.