There already is a travel advisory in Canada. It’s more personal though.
If I tell my friend I’m going to the states they’ll stage an intervention.
“You’re desire to travel to the US hurts me in the following ways…”
I’m not sure of the shape change reason, but I prefer the thinner cans. I have a candy store with soft drinks and I can put more of the thinner cans on the shelf. Usually one more can per shelf.
Next, Trump signs an executive decree that says they can now make champagne in the US because the US had been treated very unfairly by France by not allowing champagne to be made elsewhere and now that the USA can do it, everyone is going to become very rich.
…or something.
Given how this douche canoe acts, and the damage he’s done lately, I just hope he finds himself in a very slow, painful decline and maybe he’ll snap while in the oval office with first lady Trump.
I own a business in Canada which gets a ton of tourists. I’m fine with everyone coming in.
That said, if they’re wearing a MAGA red hat or a Trump shirt, I’m not quite sure what I’d do. I’d probably tell them they can’t come in wearing that. I think it would be hilarious to make these scrubs leave their hats in the car.
Same. And I have reddit and their nonsense ban hammer to thank for it.
My 11 year old account, very active account, was recently banned from reddit but I’m not sure why. They deleted the comment so I’m not sure what it said. But I’ve been posting there for 11 years with no issues so something has changed.
I believe the comment I made was talking about if the US invaded Canada and I said they would be hard pressed to hold the country because Canadians look like Americans and we would take the battle across the border.
It’s a common sense statement. Doesn’t incite any more violence then quoting half the things Trump says about Canada any given day.
I think Reddit is purging the left leaning accounts and making a Nazi safespace like Twitter.
Which ever one was willing to get rid of all the handguns.
Is that a finger in the butt?
I treat my yard as a natural meadow the best I can. I only mow once or twice a year and we’re slowly pushing out the grass previously planted. I dislike the look of a traditional boomer suburbia yard. I much prefer the wild look.
We don’t rake at all. I prefer to just let things do their thing and I’m also far too lazy to bother raking. We live in an area surrounded by woods.
We have snakes and foxes and hares that come out of the woods from time to time. A ton of birds. It’s perfect.
There is a silly movement in Canada like this now. They want to call the Americano the Canadiano. I think it’s silly.
My company is about to start serving espresso. I’m going to call it a North Americano on the menu just to be snarky.
Trumps don’t pay debts though.
There are a ton of really cheap Chinese IP cameras out there. Those are less secure then ring or wyze cameras.
Agreed. Better to make it a month or two. This gives you time to find replacement companies and then hopefully never return to Amazon.
I lived most of my life in areas where fireflies were around, but they weren’t the bioluminescent type,
The house I moved to about 5 years ago is in the woods and 3 months out of the year these guys buzz around my front yard and I’ve even helped a few out of the house.
They never fail to bring a smile to my face.
I’ve always had a manual car. I love them. That is until I ended up dating a younger woman and we moved in together. Several years later the manual turned into the second car only I drove. That got sold and we now have two cars she can drive.
One day I might teach her how to drive manual. We live in a really flat area with no major hills, so it shouldn’t be a problem. One day maybe,
I think it should be legal to hunt bald eagles in Canada.
Ok, I don’t really. I just think it would be funny watching the faces of MAGA as Trudeau announces it’s now legal to shoot them.
Bald eagles make a wimpy little squeak sound.