agree 100%, I just find what limited joy I can in pointing out that this is likely bullshit and at best a con. I also get a kick out of shitting on Musk for pretending to know what he’s talking about when it comes to tech :)
agree 100%, I just find what limited joy I can in pointing out that this is likely bullshit and at best a con. I also get a kick out of shitting on Musk for pretending to know what he’s talking about when it comes to tech :)
depending on how badly Starlink fucks up the deployment, this could actually make the performance worse especially if airtime and spectrum are limited which I would assume would be the case. Elon throwing APs every which way isn’t likely to make that any better.
this is like getting a flat tire on your handcart and buying a G Wagon with no wheels to fix it.
this was nothing that some Ethernet and some APs couldn’t fix. and as for the cellular issues, you’re literally the White House. Throw up a femtocell, you already have fiber for backhaul.
this is such fucking nonsense. Starlink is fixing precisely none of this.
I finally setup my computer and started playing Life is Strange. I didn’t expect to enjoy it like an art piece, but it has that feel to it.
I’m barely an engineer but I can guarantee you that anyone with the ability to build a single actual functional server could run stuff better than these clowns. they fucked up so badly that they exposed a open mail relay to the entire fucking NOAA. I’m a dumb removed but that is beyond belief, if I did anything nearly as reckless as that on a corp network I’d be in handcuffs before the top of the hour.
this isn’t just risky - this is begging to be plundered.
say what you will, but piracy ensures that my copy of Brokeback Mountain will never be taken from me again.
i just moved into a place where wired networking is not an option, and did this to get Wi-Fi into my bedroom. It works great - I’m hosting my controller on a Raspberry Pi and have two APs, with one wired to the router and one meshing. it works great :)
Merriam-Webster reads that the definition of propaganda is ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause.
Russia “attempting to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia” seems like it fits the textbook definition of propaganda to me. Not sure if you know how to use a dictionary, though - seems like it might be out of your wheelhouse.
and killing others in them while watching YouTube.
also, as a bonus, the video was transphobic and the creator is a fucking bigot.
some of the later Swift albums are preferable at least to me - they’re almost bordering on synth pop especially on 1989.
entirely agree on Florida Georgia Line. fuck that noise, it’s pure garbage
it’s the most insane thing that I’ve been on the flip side of this rhetoric coming from that part of the political spectrum as well. when I told my brother I was transitioning (MtF), he freaked out and said I was going to lose muscle mass and all my strength. of course that’s part of what estrogen does, and is kinda the point, but I find it silly that they admit it and simultaneously refuse to admit it.
motherfucker threw the bat in the woodchipper
Windows Bluetooth paired my Google Pixel Buds Pro once and refused to unpair or delete them no matter what I tried, but would happily connect to them every time I booted the system. I had to literally wipe the install clean and start fresh before it was ever fixed. And those same earbuds worked everywhere else, even my fucking gaming laptop with a MediaTek wireless card running Arch. genuinely the worst experience I’ve had with Bluetooth so far.
fucking DoTerra…and Young Living…and Juvva…and LulaRoe…and MonaVie. and Xooma. and- yeah, i think Utah has a bit of a problem. what the fuck?
Axing CISA was such a mask-off move in my mind. of course if you want to tamper with voting and computer systems in the US, why wouldn’t you?
fucking idiots. we didn’t even recover from Salt/Volt Typhoon yet smh
it always bugs me how governments who demand backdoors continuously fail to realize that even if they backdoor the encryption of Signal: PGP, or more similarly to Signal, Pidgin+OTR and/or OMEMO all still exist, are well maintained and are designed to work on top of insecure channels. This isn’t gonna be the way to catch actual bad actors, they’ll all just get SimpleX or Pidgin or any other number of things and continue communicating and “going dark”.
…not to mention that Signal’s source code is open, so even if they compromise the Signal client, you can just switch to Molly or build an older version - or if the server is compromised, you can run your own with the backdoor disabled or stripped out. This is a zero-sum-game all the way down.
not transmasc but the “HELP??” response is totally me lol
y’all got removable hands? how else are they gonna catch them?? /s
same, my lifetime license is paying off right about now tbh