@graphito Red hat Linux back in 99. Ran X11 Gnome with Metacity, bash and emacs. Still using Linux today. But Im on Arch with zsh, kde/plasma Wayland and NeoVim. Probably the only thing that I still use now from '99 is less
@graphito Red hat Linux back in 99. Ran X11 Gnome with Metacity, bash and emacs. Still using Linux today. But Im on Arch with zsh, kde/plasma Wayland and NeoVim. Probably the only thing that I still use now from '99 is less
@bionicjoey oof. Didnt know, too late to fix 🙄
@NumbersCanBeFun @graphito I distro shopped as well. Red hat, then Gentoo (5 years), then Debian (10 years) now arch (4 years). Each time there was an unavoidable reason forcing the change. Hopefully i never have to change from Arch again…