So is Lead-207 special lead, or is it just, like, lead?
So is Lead-207 special lead, or is it just, like, lead?
Cool, I should check that one out.
So right at the end?
You went from a soundbar to a 3.1 by adding a centre speaker? Did you saw your soundbar in half?
A similar thing happened in the UK , the tax man got narky with a food manufacturer over a cake/biscuit (cookie for our American friends) distinction. Cakes and biscuits are taxed differently.
This little blog-post thing explains it better than I could.
Wait til you’re up to your elbow!
I wonder if shaft shifting would fuck with your sense of self too much. Who actually are you if you can be anyone?
just call me …
I think that’s a millipede. Centipedes = 1 pair of legs per body segment, millipedes = multiple pairs per body segment.
In the picture it looks like more than one pair of legs per body segment.
I think that’s how it is, anyway.
Isn’t that where Nate Dogg hooked a left and saw some brothers shootin’ dice?
Well, not so much now.
I feel that might become a… problem.
There is some short story about all people being one being living every human life that ever will be and that when they are done they will be born as a God or some other elevated being.
The Egg by Andy Weir.
Ah yes, Pitch Black era Vin Diesel. Or one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
You’re taking some considerable risk with that because sometimes the illness is not caused by colonization of bacteria in the body, but by consuming substances that the bacteria leave behind as part of their metabolism.
I’m pretty sure he means poop. Bacteria poop.
I’m trying to work out if your hypothetical pill holder only has five days or you’re calling OP a motherfucker.
Apparently I don’t know. 🙁
Okay, that is fucking adorable.