• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • A field that definitely has a problem with replication is Computer Human Interaction. There are a lot of user studies in that field and you basically never see a study done twice. The setup of the studies usually doesn’t even allow it to be repeated as it hinges on some proprietary software written for that very study that is not released to the public.

  • I see the same issues also in computer science especially when looking into recent trends such as AI or blockchain/NFTs before that. There are definitely areas that are more rigorous than others but the replication crisis is a problem in many many scientific fields. If your results are not completely outlandish and don’t go against the vibe, no one will ever bother to check your results.

  • Solar is ahead of biomass and while solar and wind is growing, biomass is not. You’re also misreading the graph. Nuclear was never such a huge part of Germany’s energy production and killing nuclear was a 25 year long process, Germany let most of the plants run and just did not build new ones

    While I agree that getting rid of coal first would have been the better strategy, I don’t get this nuclear power fetish and constant bashing of Germany on this while most countries are doing worse than Germany. Nuclear power is extremely expensive, we have as of now no storage solution for nuclear waste in Germany and Germany has no source of nuclear material itself. There are quite a few drawbacks

  • CDU-Kreischef Andreas Nowak zufolge mache das die CDU nicht, um arabischsprachige Wähler zu finden. “Die gibt es nämlich de facto nicht.” Wer hier wahlberechtigt ist, sei auch in der Lage, ein deutsches Wahlplakat zu lesen. “Wir adressieren damit auch die Arabisch und Türkisch sprechenden Bewohner des Viertels und sagen klar, was wir erwarten.”

    Okay, die ganze Aktion ist also Rage-bait. Typischer CDU-Wahlkampf.

  • At least in Germany, depending on contract, monthly payments vary heavily. For instance the labour agreement for the automotive industry contains a 13th salary at christmas time, vacation pay in summer, a bonus in spring depending on company performance, a potential bonus if you pass on some vacation days and more. Other contracts only have a monthly salary and no bonuses. My contract has only one bonus depending on company performance in April while my wife gets 12.8 monthly salaries (1.8x salary in November as end-of-year bonus). To compare job offers in any way, you can only go with the annual number.