Difficult to tell if this was a joke or autocorrect. Being forced to play a game (sudoku) as a loss, sounds… odd.
Seppuku is the Japanese word for a type of honorable suicide by cutting your own stomach in a Z shape (or at least attempting to).
Difficult to tell if this was a joke or autocorrect. Being forced to play a game (sudoku) as a loss, sounds… odd.
Seppuku is the Japanese word for a type of honorable suicide by cutting your own stomach in a Z shape (or at least attempting to).
While the lucid dreaming comments may work, there is a lot of trial/error/luck to it, I think.
I had accidental lucid dreaming as a kid but have failed to do so as an adult. I have tried numerous times, even with considering suggestions from people online. Therefore, I will come at this from experiences I have had without intentional lucid dreaming. (Possible that I reached a point of accidental lucid dreaming during these, but hope it helps, nonetheless!)
Finding “perfect” hiding places after/during a chase.
Recognizing that waking up from a similar/the same situation very recently (eg the movie Inception) is basically impossible. Even if you have brain damage, the duration of a day and night are fairly difficult to ignore. Brain damage or medicine/drug use is more like losing chunks of time that feel lost vs waking up repeatededly and/or in short order.
I (at least once recently) had a scare that felt like sleep paralysis and/or attempted demonic possession. Basically, I was sleeping but “felt” awake but couldn’t move/make sound and felt like darkness was “hunting” me. It was scary af. I just kept trying to scream or yell “ahhh”. I think I tried it about 8+ times before I woke up finally. Each time I screamed, it got louder…slowly. I knew I was breaking free slowly, but it was extremely scary and I felt like if I didn’t escape, I would be trapped/taken forever.
Depending on the feeling of the dream, you can sometimes play in/with it. This touches on the accidental side of lucid dreaming, I think, but I have had variations of feeling afraid and then treating it as a game, such as hide’n’seek or even flipping it to start finding/hunting the thing that feels like the agressor. Not sure I recall enough details to explain specific examples, but hope this general explanation helps!
Edit: typo
Running Android 14 and somewhat disagree. I have had 1-2 games running in the background after “exiting”/“quitting” the game and dropped from 80-90% battery to 30% in less than 2 hours. (GPS and Bluetooth both disabled). Battery dropped as though I was actively playing with the screen on during that time.
Killing apps has helped me with this issue, in general. However, for the offending game, setting “app battery usage” (specific to Android, not sure of iOS equivalent, if any) has helped better for this issue. Seems a lot of games are trying to load unmecessary stuff and/or sell usage data, despite exiting the game…
Quality is enough for the 2-wire speaker cables. The coax cable makes sense from the photo, but I personally I wouldn’t have figured it out from the photo. Seems like a lot of ideas from the left-most cable but it seems too broad to be ethernet and especially telephone. It seems like power, based on width, but difficult to tell without a more direct view of the cross-section and preferably cutting some of the outer-most shelling to see the inner colors
EDIT: I disagree that the black and red colored frayed cables are power. Those colors are most frequently speaker colors AND frayed from being forced into speaker ports. You don’t normally get fraying like that from power-related components (e.g. power outlets).
There are cases other than what you mentioned where the carrier refuses to unlock. During 2021, AT&T forced a phase out of 3G and provided allowed customers to get a free upgrade phone in the process. As a prepay customer, I took the phone but jumped ship to a different carrier. I tried to get them to unlock the phone earlier this year and they refused. There was no contract/lease involved, but they didn’t like that I didn’t remain a customer with them for (I think it was) 180 days after that.
Papers probably was the wrong one to bold.
Effects (i.e. personal effects) is likely better and the first definition I found is “Items of personal property that one carries on one’s person, including identification, jewelry, and clothing.”.
I’d argue a phone falls under this definition.