Framing this as a this OR that situation is incorrect. I can try to get people to use my sexuality as an insult less, AND I can fight republican bullshit too.
Framing this as a this OR that situation is incorrect. I can try to get people to use my sexuality as an insult less, AND I can fight republican bullshit too.
Thank you for speaking up.
That’s fair, to each their own. I absolutely love resource gathering and building so it is very fun for me. All but a few of my hours in the game are solo play.
Also mods can make the game a bit less demanding which can make it more fun too, like letting metal through portals for example.
I fucking love this game. Guess it’s time to get back into it.
- The default ssh port moved if ssh has to be exposed to the Internet. No, this doesn’t make it “more secure” but damn, it reduces the script denials in my system logs, fight me.
Gosh I get unreasonably frustrated when someone says yeah but that’s just security through obscurity. Like yeah, we all know what nmap is, a persistent threat will just look at all 65535 and figure out where ssh is listening… But if you change your threat model and talk about bots? Logs are much cleaner and moving ports gets rid of a lot of traffic. Obviously so does enabling keys only.
Also does anyone still port knock these days?
Code review came back. Too many nested ifs.
I just recently ran a bunch of cables in the house. Lots of work, but yes definitely worth it.
You’re on social media right now.
Subnautica vibes
Non-electric refrigerator? Like an old fashion ice box? How do you like using it?
Jokes aside, Thinking Fast and Slow is amazing and I recommend everyone read it.
By default a normal user can abort the shutdown. They could also configure group policy to prevent shutdown permissions which also prevents aborting a shutdown.
The GPO is Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Shut down the system
shutdown.exe -a
should take care of situations like that. It’s not an excuse for taking away your options on the UI though.
The sound of rain on a tent mixed with a crackling fire, very relaxing.
I’ve been using plex for a while and it works great.
Tame Your Fears - White Rabbit
Something like Ansible won’t help you the first time around, but it’ll make the next times easier.
Omnidirectional antennas attempt to radiate equally horizontally. An isotropic antenna radiates equally in all directions but is only theoretical. All antennas have some gain.
That being said, there are some antennas that attempt to minimize that gain and be as non-directional as possible while other antennas attempt to maximize that gain and become as directional as possible.