I still do not understand Wayland. It’s an alternative to X?
I still do not understand Wayland. It’s an alternative to X?
Same. Check out breadonpenguins on the yew tube, some real cool tweaks on their GitHub. their vids inspired me to use dwm.
didn’t realize debian does not have dwm support. been thinking about putting it on my deb based laptop bc it feels so nice on my desktop. what do you run?
Yarp. Signal has a handy invite contacts thingy too. And you can do video chat like FaceTime.
Yes. I don’t really use more than 120 min per month. Most of the folks I call use Signal for voice.
ninja edit: jmp customer service has been phenomenal
I have done this successfully with JMP. Started with a test number that I still use as a burner for online services that require a phone number. It worked well enough that I ported my main cell # over.
dwm is neat
please be gentle to me dear reader for I know this is but a meme. anyone who is feeling these things do yourself a favor and start moving your body regularly.
This just in: lying cheating cheap piece of literal human garbage does an awful thing that he has a demonstrated history of doing several times in recent history.
I’ve been trying to practice compassion for the people that piss me off. Trying to remember that folks are all doing their best and may be dealing with even more stress and anxiety than I am dealing with.
The other thing that has really helped me is deliberately practicing gratitude for all of the great things in my life. Family, pets, health, food, shelter, car that works reliably, etc. it’s counterintuitive that focusing on these will help, but focusing on these things makes the things hat anger me seem so much less important.
Tell me where you live. I want to go to there.
Yeah that’s pretty cheeks pricing. I pay less than double that for symmetrical gig speed.
Lmfao thank you for the reply. Since my comment I have actually obtained a corne and am now daily driving it.
mmmmmm clicky go clack
you have spent quite a bit of time reading, comprehending and replying to this comment thread. thank you for expending that energy to enlighten us about your situation.
Join Working Families Party. https://workingfamilies.org/
shame on CNN for calling them demonstrators. Human scum is more like it.
And here’s the link to the actual list instead of the announcement for he list - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-rps-100-2024
lol @ Preston north end my fav PP