We actually need to build more shells he insists. .y friend who is a shell developer says the red tape is what’s slowing down access to homes.
We actually need to build more shells he insists. .y friend who is a shell developer says the red tape is what’s slowing down access to homes.
Maybe we can subpoena chinese intelligence officials to get some straight answers on this.
Not very secret
It’s an evergreen headline.
The bees are dying because of neonicatinoids in RoundUp presticides.
No, they just said it was funny, given the context.
He’s like a cruel Ron Burgundy
What do you mean hot? I haven’t noticed a crescendo
No, it doesn’t make any sense. Chinas claim to Taiwan is as illegitamate as Russia’s claim is to Ukraine.
Is this funny for like a 13 year old?
That’s 2 for every American.
Crisis is opportunity for people with excessive wealth. For the rest of us it’s a crapshoot for survival.
About writing?! Surely you have zero evidence for that.
If it happens all the time it’s probably something you are doing. Like over explaining, or talking down to them.
Cease fire in name only
It was delayed until it didn’t matter. So delay’s can be effective.
You only wrote two sentences for me, the rest was for everyone else. You are being a negative person who is making it harder for others to fight fascisn. Good luck on your struggles.
If you’ll read what I’ve written here you’ll note I haven’t attacked anyone.
They are admitting to stuff in this article…