It’s me; I’m eccentric.
It would help to know what you already have on the list. Then we can find what’s missing.
He probably thinks it’s full of lush, green foliage. Probably wants the logging rights. Who knows with that guy.
is this moron going to start WW3
because of Greenland?
Because he wants to suspend elections. Remember, he openly said during his last election that if he’s elected they won’t have to vote anymore:
Actually, he is an illegal immigrant.
The reason this is relevant is because he has spent the better part of a year complaining about “illegal immigrants” who are “invading” the country. But an old video from 2013 resurfaced on Saturday that appears to show the billionaire admitting he was at one point building his small business in the country illegally, describing it as a “gray area.”
Here’s a link to an article talking about it:
Looks like it.
The ! community seemed dead so I posted it here instead.
I have heard of super homophobic guys not washing their butthole because they think it’s gay to touch it.
“I have had boyfriends that think it’s gay to wipe their arse because what if their finger touches it through the paper. Thank god I’m with a hygienic bi man now.”
It’s not gay if her balls don’t touch yours.
Four different machines pouring into four different cups.
Oh, that’s just Margot. Don’t mind her.
I can imagine the ruling class to still have their pissing contests with other billionaires from their secure bunkers. Eventually they’ll develop bunker busting nukes and everyone will be gone.
It’s all so depressing. I know it’s not going to help but I need a drink.
somebody reading it in an old internet archive in a bunker in 2090
How very optimistic of you. I’ve been a little more despondent about our future. I doubt we’ll still exist as a species in 2090.
Orange for Linux:
Orange is a powerful platform to perform data analysis and visualization, see data flow and become more productive. It provides a clean, open-source platform. It was developed by The University of Ljubljana under the GPLv3 license.
Ljubljana is the capital and largest city of Slovenia, located along a trade route between the northern Adriatic Sea and the Danube region, north of the country’s largest marsh, inhabited since prehistoric times.
Cezve, possibly?
A cezve (Turkish: cezve, pronounced [dʒezˈve]; Serbo-Croatian: džezva / џезва; Arabic: جِذوَة), also ibriki/briki (Greek: μπρίκι), srjep (Armenian: սրճեփ) is a small long-handled pot with a pouring lip designed specifically to make Turkish coffee. It is traditionally made of brass or copper, occasionally also silver or gold. In more recent times cezveler are also made from stainless steel, aluminium, or ceramics.
Southern iced tea is Lindows. Does anyone remember Lindows? It’s called Linspire now.
Мдэ… боюсь показывать то, как варю кофе в свете этой картинки
I don’t know how accurate it is but here’s a translation:
Mdae… I’m afraid to show you making coffee in light of this picture.
It means you drink your coffee with your pinky out. is what you’re looking for.